The Making of a King

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Max was sitting in his very large room, playing with a red car that was made very nicely.

"Butt Butt Butt Butt!" His mother chirped as she opened the door. Max's face fell. "Mom, my real name is Max." He said sadly as he put his car to the side. His mom sighed, "I know but your father wants you to embrace the family name." Max sighed as he stood up, walking to his mom. "It's okay, now come on we have a dinner lesson to catch."

Max never liked these lessons, he watched many of the towns kids run run and play. He has wanted to join them but he never had the chance to. It was always lessons on crazy things like dancing or how to eat properly.

Max followed his mother unwillingly through the halls. They then went into the kitchen and there standing was the instructor. Max grumbled and went on with the lesson.


The king walked into the lab. He sighed as the many scientists looked up. "Hows it going?" He asked, slightly worried. "It's coming along, we just need a cell from your wife and might have success." The king smiled brightly. "Just perfect! I hate doing this, but this is the only way." He said sadly.

His wife has always wanted a girl but giving birth to Butt Butt Butt Butt there was a huge problem and they had to take out her reproductive parts. She's been wishing for her own girl but with new technology they could make a child with just one cell.


Max sighed as he finished his lesson and went out to the garden. He loved the large garden and all the little creatures in it. Max roamed around until he made it to the castle gates. His gaze drifted past the rungs and down the hill to the city. There were kids running and playing around.  He sighed sadly and walked back into the castle.

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