The Making of a Queen

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Hey everyone! Welcome to another part! But I have some news. I want everyone to know that updates will be a little more frequent for this book. But I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Squirrels P.O.V

Everything around me was fuzzy, and my head started to spin. The humans advanced on me, from what I saw through the blurriness.

I tried to run but something blocked my way. Something clear was blocking my way.

From what I could see these white things we're always advancing on me and always stuck things in my arms. They also put me in this pink cloth the extended past my knees. I hope they let me out soon.

Third P.O.V

Max quickly trailed down the hallway towards the lab. He was excited that he was getting a new sister. Suddenly his mom came by and picked him up.

"Ready to meet your new sister?" She asked happily. Max nodded and saw his dad come up beside the queen.

He didn't look too happy about the situation but he didn't want to hurt his wife by saying no.

Soon the lab door opened and a small child wearing a pink dress came out. Her hand was being held by a scientist because she was having a little trouble walking. The dress fitted her perfectly and a golden little crown that sat on her head.

"Hello Butt Butt!" The queen said happily smiling at the creature.

"H-hi!" She said, having a little trouble. Her voice was squeaky and rough but they understood her.

"So, you should be pretty involved in her life and try to teach her how to walk, speak, and act like a princess before trying to teach her anything excessive." The scientists said, talking to the queen.

She nodded and set Max on the ground. Walking over to her daughter she carefully picked her up. The animal squeaked and clung to the soft purple fabric of the Queens dress.

The queen laughed and smiled before giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you so much." She said talking to the scientist. "Now let's go Butt Butt Butt Butt." She said as she took her free hand in her son's and started walking down the hallway.


"The cow goes?" Max asked his sister, holding out the small plastic animal towards his sibling.

The two now shared a room, Max refusing to leave his new sister.

"Moo?" She said, turning her head slightly. Max nodded and smiled.

"Nice job, cat goes?" He said as he held up the small cat.

"Meow!" He said happily. Max smiled and put the cat down.

"What do I say?" He said with a laugh, meant it at as a joke.

"Blah blah blah." Ross said with a smile.

"Hey!" Max said with a laugh. Then the large bedroom door opened. His father entered the room. The two fell silent and watched the male.

"Butt Butt Butt Butt we have sword practice." He said sternly. "And Butt Butt." He said coldly, "you and mother have speech practice." They both nodded and left the room.

~~~ Three years Later~~~

Now, Butt Butt had learned all the routines of being a human, well.... human like and was now a well formed princess.

The two children had grown up together and are now around the age of six and they were growing into fine rulers, at least their parents thought so. The king had gotten used to Ross and now considers him one of his own.

Currently the family was eating dinner. The king and queen on each end of the table and the children on each side, facing eachother.

They all ate quietly until their mother spoke up. "I have something pretty exciting to say, and important if I might add." She said standing up.

Everyone looked toward her, even the servants that were walking through the room. "I'm going to have a little trouble saying this but," She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant!" She said with a smile.

The kings face lit up, a smile forming on his face. He stood up quickly and ran over to his wife, hugging her tightly.

The servants all gasped excitedly and ran off to tell the others that were all over the castle.

The two siblings looked at each other in shock, but not the good kind. Both of them didn't want another sibling to share. They were happy the way they were. Max hoped and prayed that it was another boy, other wise his throne to the kingdom could be in danger.

Soon the excitement calmed down and soon dinner was done. "Are you guys excited?" The queen asked the two children after dinner.

"Umm.. yeah, kinda." ROSS said uncertainly. Max nodded in agreement.

"Well, it won't be horrible. I promise." She said as she kissed each of them on the cheek. "Now of to bed." She said directing them towards their rooms.

"Little did they know, that their mothers promise was wrong." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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