Chapter 6: Pack Menality

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Mia's POV

Ethan: good morning

Me: good morning :-)

Ethan: let's do something tonight

Me: such as?

Ethan: bowling? Are you still up for that?

Me: downskies

Ethan: you can invite Brie too if you want

Me: if I do... she's gonna ask if she can bring Jack...

Ethan: fa–Dail?

Me: yeahhhh

Ethan: 😪🙄 if she decides to go, and she wants to take him, just do it. I'll try to keep my cool

Me: are you sure?

Ethan: yeah

Me: I'll ask and get back to you. If anything, just us. And you can watch me win. 😏😉

Ethan: we'll see about that 😛

I called Brie to see if she wanted to tag along and she said yes. And sure enough, she asked if Jack could come. I really hope he doesn't start anything tonight.

Ethan's POV

"And Jack's going with you?" Grayson asked as I flopped onto my bed.


"If you get angry..."

"Just have faith in me. For once in my life."

He sighed, "don't say I didn't warn you."

The night came around and I went to go pick Mia up.

"Hey there." she shut the door. "Brie said that she and Jack'll meet us there."

"Sounds good."

"Are you sure you're comfortable being around him?"

"We share a locker room and we're on the same football team. I think I can do this."

"If anything we can just leave."

"Nah. It'll be chill." Ethan. Prove Grayson wrong. You can do this. Everything's gonna be fine, you're not gonna let him get to you. You'll be fine.

We got to the bowling alley and saw Brie and Jack.

"Hey, Mia. Hey, E." she greeted us.

"Hey." Mia replied.

"We got two lanes. One for you guys. One for us."

Mia and I walked to get our shoes, "this is really awkward. Considering we both have something against Jack." I said and she shook her head.

"It's not awkward unless you try your hardest to make it awkward."

I saw Meredith and Nate walk towards our lanes. "What the hell are they doing here?" I asked.

"Hey. Don't let them get under your skin."

"This was suppose to be a fun night. I was gonna ignore Dail and have a good night with you."

"It's okay. Don't think about them. Don't focus on them."

"They're doing this to piss us off."

"I need you to calm down, okay? Like you said, don't let them get to you. Don't give into it." she kissed my cheek. We grabbed our shoes and headed back to our lanes.

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