Chapter 9: Formality

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Ethan's POV

Grayson ran out and his eyes widened. Mia stepped out of the car, she was too shocked. She couldn't walk correctly, Grayson went to catch her before she hit the ground. I turned to look at Mia, but she didn't look at me. I ran off.

Mia's POV

My boyfriend... is a... werewolf...??? Everything is still being processed in my mind.

"Are you okay?" Grayson asked.

I looked at him. I literally could not talk.

"Let's get you inside. I'm gonna see if I can call Ethan and make sure he's okay." he walked away.

I walked inside and grabbed a drink as we looked for a table.

My phone started vibrating.

Ethan: meet me on the field

Ethan's POV

"Ethan?" Grayson shouted.

I'm not the only one out here with them... someone else is out here... trouble's coming. I can feel it. I busted out of the woods and looked around.

Mia's POV

"Ethan?" I shouted.

"Maybe he's still on his way."

"He just left the scene, not drove off."

Grayson stood there.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be snappy. Just a lot to take in right now."

I saw Brie standing on the field.

"Brie! What are you doing?!" I asked.

"Jack told me to meet him out here." she yelled.

We saw someone come out to the field and it definitely wasn't Jack.

"BRIE!" I shouted, "BRIANNA RUN!"

"BRIE." Grayson shouted and the man bit her. Brie fell to the floor and was unconscious.

Ethan's POV

Right when I stepped foot onto the field, I saw Brie collapse. Grayson and Mia ran towards her and someone turned to look at me.

"You. You did this to me. You did this to her." I ran toward Steven.

"Oh no. I didn't do this, Dolan. I didn't make you a werewolf. I may have just been the one that bit Brianna. But someone else bit you. He chose you. And now you're part of his pack. Just. Like. Me. I just came to watch your empire crumble to pieces."

"I'm not part of anyone's pack." I gritted my teeth.

"You are now. You see, you and me, we're brothers now. The bite is a gift."

"We aren't brothers. We never were and we never will be. Brothers know their morals. They know their boundaries. If you were a brother, why didn't you stop her from unzipping your pants and sucking your di–"

"We need to get her to a hospital." Grayson interrupted. I think he knew how angry I was getting.

"Better take care of that." he smirked and walked away.

"I'm not done with you yet." I growled.

"Of course you're not."

"Why'd you call us out here?" Grayson asked.

"I didn't. My phone was in the car before I walked into the venue."

"Then who texted us?" Mia asked.

"I don't... I don't know." I looked at them.

"We need to get her to a hospital."

"No. She's gonna be okay."

"Ethan, what do you mean 'no'? She is bleeding on this field. She's losing a lot of blood and you don't wanna take her to the hospital." Grayson said angrily.

"This happened to me and the bite went away overnight."

"Doesn't mean it has the same affect on her." Mia said aggressively.

The ambulance came to pick her up. I'm hoping she's okay. Mia rode in the ambulance with her.

Grayson said we'd meet them there as soon as he could. We weren't just gonna leave the car on school grounds.

"Hey, are you okay?" Grayson gently woke Mia up.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Maybe like 15 minutes."

"When'd you get here?"

"10 minutes ago."

"Oh..." she said.

"She's gonna be fine. Don't worry."

"Any word on Brie yet?"


"Go home and we'll call you if anything comes up." Grayson told her.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." she got up and left.

"She's going to be alright. She's better in here than bleeding out on the field."

"You're not wrong." I sighed. "I don't wanna lose Mia because I didn't tell her this. But. Now Brie getting bitten and can become a werewolf is going to put her in even more danger than she was already in."

"You're not going to lose Mia. She likes you, a lot. She cares for you. Maybe you don't see it, but I do. I see the way her eyes light up when you walk in, the way she smiles from ear to ear when she's around you. You're not gonna lose her. I mean yeah, she might ask for some time to get herself together, but you're not gonna lose her for good."

I sure hope not.

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