Too Far//Part 1

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(Gabi's POV)
Monday, Baileigh and I walk down the halls of the school towards the cafeteria. As we enter, I see a group of Jacks friends who are also friends with me and wave to them. They just glare at me. Damn. Harsh much?
I shake it off and continue to the lunch line with Baileigh.
"Whore." A voice says from behind us. I don't think I've ever seen the boy who matched the voice before.

"Do I even know you?" I respond sassily. Baileigh pulls me back.

"This is what they want, a reaction. Just try to ignore them." She whispers.
As we move up closer to the front of the line, one of Kyndel's friends approaches me.

"Hey bitch." He says loudly.
I don't even turn around. Suddenly, a hand grabs my shoulder and turns me around.
"I was talking to you, hoe." He says. I look to see Kyndel and his friend group standing behind him.

"Kyndel I thought this was over." I say to him.

"What's over?" He responds, acting clueless.

"We talked and you said you wouldn't do this stuff to me anymore."

"Awe is little Gabi getting emotional?" One of his friends mock.

"We never talked. I don't talk to hoes like you. It's bad enough I have to live with you." He spits. His friends laugh behind him and Baileigh steps in.

"Kyndel back off. She didn't do anything to you so just leave." She says calmly but surely.

"Awe Gabi. Getting the hoe hooking up with my little brother to defend you? Double the hoes. Dang." Kyndel responds.
"By the way, Gabi. Jack hates you now. He always complains to me how you rub it in his face how you're with his best friend. That's pretty low to use his friend as a rebound." By now, most of the cafeteria is surrounding us, watching to see what happens next.

"Alex is not a rebound." I defend. Just as I say so, Alex comes by my side.

"Oh come on. You knew him for like 2 days then fell 'instantly in love'. And more ironically, Jack and Baileigh here were a thing in almost the same time. Baileigh guess what, you were just a rebound too," Kyndel says in a forceful tone. Jack now standing by his side, stares hatefully at me and Alex. "In fact, Jack here made a bet with me that he could get you to come home with him and go all the way. The fact that y'all were so close if Gabi hadn't walked in is sickening." He spits at us.

"Jack, tell him that is bullshit! We actually have something!" Baileigh refuses. Jack stands there and laughs. Water wells up in Baileigh eyes as she realizes she has been used.

"I mean I thought it could be something. But honestly, you were just an idea to make Gabi jealous but then when I realized she didn't care, you were just a hook up." Jack argues.

"Ok ok that's enough. If you need to degrade girls to feel better about yourselves, that's pathetic and proves that you have nothing better to do with your sad pathetic lives." Alex defends us. Jack approaches him and gets in his face.

"You're one to be talking, Mr. righteousness. You're so innocent, why would you stay with someone who is just using you as a rebound. Man, you're smart enough to realize it. Open your eyes." Jack yells.

"Don't talk about her like that and don't tell me how to think and what to do!" He yells back, fists clenched.
Jack turns his back to Alex.
Quickly, Jack spins around and throws a punch at Alex, right in the nose. Alex is knocked back a few steps. Baileigh pulls me back and let's the boys at it. Kyndel also steps back and watches the two Ex-best friends. Punches swing right and left and everybody just watches. It turns to kicking, which turns to ground-fighting. Words are exchanged, mostly about me. I sit there frozen, no clue what to do. It keeps intensifying when finally Jack grabs some peanuts. He throws them in Alex's face and almost instantly it puffs up. At that moment I realize what was wrong, Alex is deathly allergic to peanuts.
Jack walks away and I run to Alex, who looks in terrible condition. As everyone scatters, not wanting to be held responsible, Baileigh dials 911 and I stay with Alex, trying to calm him down and tell him help is on the way.
Within minutes, the ambulance arrives place him in the van. I am pushed back away from the van and watch it drive off as he is rushed to the hospital.

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