5H Day

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Ally POV

Lauren was squeezing Camila's butt a little bit too hard, and as the short momma of the group, I shall just sit there and let it happen. What? Hell no! I shall stop this!


"What, Ally?!?!"

"Stop this groping! We are in public!"

But, Ally, I feel lonely without Lauren's groping."

I'm so sorry, Camila, but there is other people who are here to have fun, not to see you two get sexual! And don't even say that Mani and Dinah are doing it either, bcuz they are talking!"


"Yes, Lo?"

"Over there!"

"Oh my gosh, ok that is it! Separated rides on the roller coasters!"

"But, Ally!"

"No! This has gone to far, come on, get up, and have fun. Now, Dinah!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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