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Please read all the rules, as some changes have been made from last year.

1. No cheating. Cheating will result in disqualification immediately. Do not create fake accounts to vote for yourself. If we think an account is fake, we will not count that vote.

2. No stories with 500k or more reads.

3. You must tag your story with #heartiesawards NOT IN THE TITLE- this must be an ACTUAL tag so that judges can find your story. You are NOT required to follow us, but we would love it if you would.

4. You must be accepted to participate.

5. You can vote for up to three contestants, but you cannot vote for yourself.

6. Your story must have at least 12 chapters, and no more than 50 chapters. (This is because we will read entire story of winners and more than 50 chapters will not allow us to finish them for end of awards)

7. Your story must have a main element of romance to enter. Not a romance on the side, the main element must be romance.

8. No fantasy, vampire, werewolf, or other fictional fantastical worlds accepted. Also no fan fiction. Any of those genres are welcome to enter the contest at We Heart Contests, but not the Hearties.

9. Teen fiction, chicklit, or general fiction will be accepted if they have a main element of romance. To prove you read the rules in their entirety, please provide the name of your favorite food as the password on the entry form.

10. Mature stories ARE accepted. Ongoing stories are also accepted but must have at least twelve chapters.

11. If you win Peoples Choice awards, you will not move on to Judges Choice Awards. (As you cannot win both categories) *This is a new rule, make sure you read and understand.

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