Project Love

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Hi, this is the author of project love. It will be about people, he, she, zie! Everyone! Anyone from anywhere from anytime(well assuming your still alive)... I'm a lesbian and a girl. To request a interview please send message from wattpad. I understan did you want to be anonymous. If you don't then tell me your name. No matter what tell me your time zone and when I can contact you!

Project love is about support and getting people's stories out! Please be nice in the comments and be supportive!

~~~~I figured I would shed some light on basic sexualities and genders~~~~~

Gay (homosexual male)- It can be used for women or men but it is usually used with male pronouns! It means a male has romantic or sexual attraction to men.

Lesbian (homosexual women)- This is only used for women who have romantic or sexual attraction to other women.

Straight male (heterosexual male)- This is a man liking a women. This goes for trans men also.

Straight women (heterosexual female)- This is a women liking a man. This also goes for trans women.

***Author's Note, all of these apply to trans. As in, a trans boy dips straight, there for he likes women***

Bisexual- This someone liking two genders in total. This could be a girl liking guys and trans guys or a man liking girls and guys.

Pansexual- This is someone who likes everyone! They like all genders. It is different from bisexuality because it is liking everyone gender and not just two.

Pollysexual- Someone finding attraction to more then two genders but not all. Let's say a girl is attracted to girls, trans girls, demisexual boys but not boys.

Asexual- someone who has no sexual attraction. Sexual attraction is different from romantic attraction. Now some Acesexual people can enjoy sex and want sex but others may not. It has a lot to do with the person. Being Ace is different then being celibate, celibate is a choice not to have sex. Asexuality is not a choice.

Demisexual- Having no sexual desires to those other than people who have a romantic connection with. This is kinda like Demi-asexual.

Skoliosexual- This is only liking non-binary or trans people. It is not having a trans fetish however.

Heteroflexible- mainly only liking the other gender but under different circumstances can like the same gender.

Homoflexible- Mainly liking the Sam gender but under different circumstances can like the opposite gender.

Heteromantic- Only having an romantic attraction to the opposite gender.

Homoromantic- Only having romantic attraction to the same gender.

Aromatic- Lacking romantic attraction to anyone. And yes this is possible.

Afab- being signed as female at birth. Having biological attributes of a female.

Amab- being signed as make at birth. Having biological attributes of a female.

Intersex- the state of being born with both male or female attributes.

Cisgender- Someone who is born as a male or female and feeling and portraying the traces of that sex.

Transgender- Someone being born one gender and changing it later in life because they were born in the wrong body. Let's say a boy was born a girl but they realized they were actually a boy so they now use male pronouns and feel like a man.

Genderfluid- Someone who's gender varies depending on the day, week, month. One day they can feel masculine and identify as a man and the next day they can feel more feminine and identify as a women.

Genderflux- Someone's gender who has stronger feelings over time. This is different from genderfluid because it decreases in genders over time and certain genders feel stronger!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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