Chapter 13

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Science was always a passion of mine.

Not just any science- mad science. The kind that would be called 'pseudo science'. The kind of science that didn't make much sense back Home. I mean unless you factored in a lot of others things, and threw in a dash of magic for good measure.

Mad crackpot science that doesn't truly belong in any branch of science.

That's my niche.

Comic book science.

I can graph circles around people where that science is concerned.

I've rebuilt spaceships with car parts from broken down cars.

I've saved lives with household appliances.

There was this one time I stopped an evil plan with nothing on me but a bobby pin, a worn out tennis shoe, and two cans of string cheese.

None of that should've been possible.

There are a lot more worlds where I should be dead.

Creating a whole other element?

Off of a holographic design of the atom?

Neither of which exist back home?

Oh yeah.

That's the niche right there.

Preparing the mansion for this kind of science was a breeze.

Smash a hammer here.

Drill holes there.

Keep my sister from playing with the wiring there.

Yeah...we had a lot of near misses with that.

They were all worth it, though.

For the life saving element we were about to create.


Nikki dropped the last segment of tunnel.

"Hey! Watch that!" I scolded her. Picking up a wrench, I pointed it at her head. "If that breaks, I'm fixing it with your bones!"

"My bones would be useless in this!"

"Finally we agree- your bones as useless!"

"I can pull one out of my arm-" She ducked under the tunnel, marching up to my face. "-and stab your neck with it!"

I raised the wrench.

Tony stepped in between us. "Hey. You two. Mind holding off on any murder sprees until this gets done?" He snatched away the wrench. "Come on- DUM-E's doing more to help."


"Yeah." Nikki nodded.

"We'll stop."

"For now." She narrowed her eyes at me.

I narrowed mine right back.

We got the show back on the road. There another few minutes of construction, of playing keep away with DUM-E and U.

"Miss Stark, Ms Potts would like a word about the engagement in New York." JARVIS reported.

"Tell her I'm not more than ten minutes away!" I ordered.

"So I should tell her to expect you in thirty minutes time?"

"You got it!" I cheered.

"Wonderful. I will record the threat ridden tirade she will no doubt wish to leave."

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