Jungkook (BTS)

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Deceived pt.4

Minhee wouldn't stop texting me. I couldn't face her, not after the fact that I realized that she was the one who took my love.
My life.
My everything.

She blew up my phone, constantly, day and night. It got to the point where I turned off my phone.

 It got to the point where I turned off my phone

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But, today... today I decided to text her back.

It wasn't a suprise that Jungkook had told her

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It wasn't a suprise that Jungkook had told her. Either way, she would have found out by me or Jungkook.

 Either way, she would have found out by me or Jungkook

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I was a little shocked that she liked Jungkook... to tell the truth, I thought that she would've had a better chance than me in dating Jungkook... but would it have ended the same way with me being the one that Jungkook cheated with?

 but would it have ended the same way with me being the one that Jungkook cheated with?

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So many thoughts raced through my mind, and I didn't know what to do... tears swelled in my eyes... Minhee hated me for something I didn't mean to do.

I took a deep breath as I decided to call her.
The phone rang.
"...why didn't you tell me...?" I muttered, barely audible.
"Tell you what? What was there to tell you?! That I liked your boyfriend?! Is that what you wanted to hear from your best friend? He needed something that you wouldn't give, so I took that opportunity like my life depended on it!" She screamed through the phone.
"Now Jungkook won't even talk to me... and he's out looking for you... thinking that you'll take him back! I don't even get what he sees in you.. your nothing but a useless bitch.." Minhee muttered.
A lump formed in my throat. Tears, that were never ending fell on my now pale checks. I couldn't say anything, so I hung up the phone, throwing it across the room.

My life was ruined. I didn't know what to do, where to go, who to see... but a sudden knock on the door had startled me.

I wiped my eyes as I went to go open the door.

"Miss...? Are you okay? I heard yelling..." The man asked.

"Ah... you heard that? I'm very sorry if I disturbed you.. I'm okay though." I looked up and smiled at him.

He studied my face as his eyes went wide.

"(Y-Y/N)...? Is that really you...?" He said, a little shocked.

I looked at the mysterious man closer as I gasped. "Oh my god... Taetae? Kim Taetae... is that really you?" A genuine smile crossed my face.

He smiled his signature square smile and hugged me. "I've missed you for so long! How have you been? How is Jungkook and Minhee?"

My smile quickly faded as I started crying again. "Jungkook... Jungkook cheated on me. With Minhee, and I don't know what to do anymore. My life is all twisted and I don't have anyone else to talk to anymore. My life is fucked up, Tae. I don't know where to go."
"Woah woah, easy." He lead me to bed and I sat down. I leaned into his chest and cried my eyes out. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
"How long ago did all this happen?" He asked, genuine concern written all over his face.
"A week ago. I just got done talking to Minhee." I told him, speaking into his neck. He tensed under my touch and I leaned back, my arms draped around his neck and his hands on my waist.
"Tae...what do I do? I can't keep going like this." I looked at him.
His facial features calm as I look at him.
"Well you can talk to me. I'll try my best to listen." He removes his shoes and sits crossed legged on the large queen sized bed.
"Where should I start?" I sit across from him.
"From the beginning when it all started." He told me, smiling. I blushed a little under his gaze.
"Okay....let's go." I breathed.

2 Hours Later

"And that's what happened." I leaned back and brought my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.
"Wow......that's intense." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You're very strong."
"What?" I looked and met his soft gaze.
"You're a strong person. You dealt with all of this by yourself. Instead of crumbling and giving up, you're trying to find a way to fix everything." He smiled. "I always admired how good you were at that." He moved a bit closer to me, his knees touching mine.
"You really think so?"
"Of course." He shrugs, still smiling. He looked at his phone. "Woah. It's late. Shouldn't you be getting some sleep?"
"Can we stay up a bit longer......?" I look up and meet his brown eyes.
"Of course. If you would like t......"
I kissed him. I leaned forward and I kissed him. His lips were warm under mine. I leaned into him and his hands went back to my waist as he pulled me on top of him. I ran my hand though his hair as I straddled his lap. His deep voice groaned into the kiss. My heart beat sped up and I couldn't control my breathing.
He leaned back to catch his breath. I started kissing his jawline and moved to his exposed collarbone as I lay on top of him. My hands made their way up his shirt. I traced his muscles.
He groaned softly.
"Wait...... (Y-Y/N)..." My name slipped off his tongue easily. "Wait....we can't do this." He grabs my hands from under his shirt. He sits up and brings me with him. His chest is heaving.
We breathe in sync.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"(Y/N) I can't take advantage of your vulnerability right now. That would make me a horrible person." He looked conflicted, like he was still trying to make a decision.
"Oh....Oh my god. I'm so sorry Tae. I didnt......" I got off of him and sat down on the opposite side of the bed. I sighed. "I dont know what I'm doing."
"Its okay. I understand. You're not stable. You want someone to give you some attention. I can be that person. But I can't take advantage of you for my own personal needs." He places his hand on my shoulder. "You understand?"
"Yeah, I understand."
Then, my phone dinged.

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