Entry #3

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August 20, 2015

Where do i begin. Oh yea, I've been gone for almost a month because i got stranded whilst on a mission and finally got home two days ago. Thanks guys.

I haven't spoken a word to anyone since I got back. Not even Wanda, and she's my best friend. We were on a mission in Greece, right? And i usually stay back at transport or at our home base when on missions, giving them information on the enemy, but this time I had to track the objective personally. I was paired with Barnes and Rogers. When we found our "thing" (idek wth it was) we ended up in combat with it. Thats not even when i got stranded. We had taken it down, or so we thought. Steve and Bucky check the area while i do some analysis on the target. I turn to tell them I'm done, and what happened next was like it was straight out of a horror movie, the creature grabbed me and dragged me off, kicking and screaming. After a while i had gotten free and killed that SOB, not even caring about mission protocol, it was then i realized no one came after me.

After a few days of wandering around and acting like i was in the Walking Dead, i had gotten to the rendezvous. No one was there. By now I'm pissed, im tired, im hangry, and above all i felt betrayed. You know how i said in my first entry that we were a big dysfunctional family, well at that point i didn't even consider them family.

I spent the next two weeks trying to contact Hill or Bruce, i even tried contacting Professor Xavier for help. Obviously nothing worked. As much as I hate to say this, I'm now indebted to Loki. Three days ago, as a last resort, i called upon Loki for help. Thankfully he has taken a liking to me (thats a story for another time) and helped me get home.

Now lets flash back to when i arrived.
I walk in to the living room, there i saw Steve, Thor, and Tony. They were talking. I cleared my throat, they payed little attention to that.
"Hello Scarlett, nice to see you're back safely." Vision. "BACK SAFELY?! SERIOUSLY, I WAS GONE FOR ALMOST A MONTH STRANDED IN THE MIDDLE OF SOME FOREST IN GREECE! I CANT BELIEVE NONE OF YOU EVEN THOUGHT TO LOOK FOR ME!" At this point the whole team is here staring at me with a variety of different expressions. "I came to look for you but you were no where to be fou..." i cut Wanda off, "BULLSHIT. IF YOU REALLY DID WANT TO FIND ME YOU ALL WOULD HAVE TRIED,  ESPECIALLY STEVE WHO I WAS WITH AT THE TIME"
"I wanted to but..."
"BUT WHAT STEVE?! YOU AND BARNES COULD'VE COME AFTER ME!" Bucky has entered the room, "I THOUGHT A TEAM LOOKED AT FOR EACH OTHER BUT I GUESS I WAS WRONG! I HATE ALL OF YOU!" I stormed to my room, slamming the door behind me. Sam and Rhodey come to my door to check on me. I ignore them. Later, Vision phases through my wall with food. "Wanda made you some Paprikash, in hopes to lift your spirits and to say she feels bad and hates having misplaced your trust." He sets it down on my desk. I glare at the bowl.

Its about midnight, i can't sleep, im still angry at my "team". I probably have more anger right now then the Hulk. 'I think i need to blow off some steam', so i go to the gym. I don't usually workout in there, unless i was training with Nat. Thankfully the shooting range is on the other side of it and there's a track on the outer edge of the room. I take a few laps, do some shooting and practice sparing with a dummy. I end up disembodying the head... wow im a sad excuse for a human being... I end up sitting in a corner of the room, ranting under my breath.
"On you're left"
"Aw come on man."
'You've got to be kidding me'. I open my eyes... wait did i fall asleep, i must have.
"Hey, you ok?" Sam walks up to me, steve following. I stand up.
"I'm fine" i walk out of the room. You wont believe who i bumped into. Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. Great. I ignore him and start to walk off. He grabs my arm, i try to break out of his grip.
"Let go Asshole"
"Look I'm sorry. I really did look for you..."
"Once again i call BS on that"
"I wasn't finished, i- we looked everywhere for you, just not in the right place."
I break free of his grip, rubbing my arm slightly. "Well you did a shit job of it. Goodbye."
An thats when i walked back to my room and vowed to never leave it again.

//this was a long chapter. I hope it you liked it.

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