Danny Burned

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AN: these stories were all connected, but the saga started with danny, an oc who was based off of me. get ready.

There was this 13 year old girl named Denice Matthews. Though she had no brothers or sisters, She loved children and was extremely kind, yet quirky. She was an extreme tomboy who wanted to be treated as though she was a boy. She always wore hoodies at school, and had close cropped hair. She preferred being called Danny, for 'Denice' was too girly for her. She had many varying interests, such as Anime and Manga. She also liked cats. She even wore a headband with cat ears on it everyday at school.

But the thing she valued most, even over her own life, was video-games. She always had her trusty gameboy advance on her person. It was like her baby, along with the computer she always looked up walkthroughs on. She even named her computer 'Comkitty' after reading Homestuck. She was a freak for that webcomic. She assigned roles to people in her classes from Homestuck and actually called them that and shipped them according to her shipping chart. No one really appreciated her ways. In fact, they would pick on her, calling her a freak and a weaboo, even though they had no clue what a weaboo was. Their constant taunts sent Danny into depression.

Any time she was just walking down the hall, minding her own business, they would point at her and just yell, "Denice, I think you're lost. The LOSER Convention is over there!" Even the Nerds joined in on the egging. She pretended not to notice and continued down the hall, listening to a System of a Down song. Someone saw the headphone in her ear one time and pulled on the jack at the base of her phone. The song Toxicity started playing really loud in the halls and it echoed as everyone went silent. They all looked and stared as she frantically turned off the music. They stared at her with wide eyes. She stared back, scared as to what they were planning. Then, slowly, a small grin crept on the faces of all the bullies. With narrowed eyes, they grinned nasty, mischievous grins.

"So..." the leader said, "You are a satanic freak huh?" Her eyes widened in horror as she shook her head no.

They started shouting things such as,


"So, who was the last person you sacrificed?"

"Oh no! Hide your livestock, she is a sadistic freak!"

And the bullying continued.

She decided to block out the world. Even her mother and father. She devoted her life to playing on her gameboy. She played through the first Pokemon Generation, and was starting in Sapphire while working her way into high school. Though she had played the entire first generation of Pokemon, she had always favored Zelda more. Her favorite game was always The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Of course, all the other kids in her grade were always put off by her ability to shut everyone out.

Some extremely religious kids were very suspicious of her actions. They were the kind of kids who wore cross necklaces and carried bibles around the school. And they heard the rumor that she was satanic. They brewed up a plan to purify the Matthews family. They took action on October 31.

The 15 year old girl was sitting in her dorm room looking up a walkthrough for the Wind Palace in The Minish Cap. That dungeon is difficult, don't judge! Anyway, she was alarmed to find her mouth covered with a cloth that smelled of chemicals. They dragged her unconscious body away from the computer. She clung on to her gameboy. When she woke up, she was in the grass. It was cold outside, and she was bound and gagged. She looked up to see a girl. She thought she recognized her. Was that some kid she went to school with? Probably. She had long since actually talked to a real person. The girl kicked her in the stomach. Her body curled in pain. Someone grabbed her wrists and yanked her onto her knees. Someone else kicked her head down, so she was on her knees, with her hands in front of her, hunched over. She felt like crying, but no tears would come out. Then a boy gently grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back. She felt relieved that he was saving her, until he narrowed his eyes in a familiar nasty grin. He shoved a small knife into her left eye. Her expression changed from relieved to horrified in a split second. She screamed into her gag in pain. His smile grew wider as he twisted the knife. She began crying- or so she thought. Blood trickled down her cheek, resembling tears, mingling with her sweat. She stopped feeling the pain as he pulled out the knife, bringing her eye with it.

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