Eyeless Timbo

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AN: this one was obviously a ripoff of eyeless jack, i even say in in the beginning of the story. so here is eyeless jack- i mean timbo

If you have read creepypastas before, you have probably heard the tale of Eyeless Jack. If not, click here: http://kiki-hyuga.deviantart.com/art/Origin-of-Eyeless-Jack-363990065.

Now, rumors spread, and everyone and their mother who knew Jenny and her friends were talking about this. They spoke of books that were found in the dormitories of the mutilated students. Some people sold them to others, if they got their hands on them. And the classmates of the dead students were amazed what their fellow students talked about and took part in. One particular student bought one of these books in extreme interest. She grew quite interested in the god, Chernobog. Let's just call her Misty Giannini. So Misty is reading up on this Chernobog guy, and her little brother, Timbo peeks his head in.

"Hey Misty! Whatcha' doin? Mom told me to get you. Dinner's ready!" he said. He looked nothing like his redheaded sister; his brown hair bounced with every step he took. He was a shy boy who was taught to love everyone. Whereas Misty shut everyone out, which is exactly what she did to her brother.

"Timbo, get out of my room! It is none of your business what I am doing in here!" She yelled at her little brother.

"Okay sis! See you at the table!"

She growled under her breath. Misty abandoned her research and went to the table. After she finished eating, she showered and went to her room again. That is how she spent most of her time at home. The college she went to was having all of the students taking online classes while the investigation was taking place, so Misty had to spend more time with her family. She would have been grateful of this, if she wasn't so interested in Jenny's death. Not to mention how Jack Nichols went missing the same day. Greg told her that he went after Jenny in the forest that night. After researching Chernobog, Misty understood. She believed that Jenny had given the great Lord Chernobog a son, Jack. But he didn't want Jack. She believed that Jack was too old to be the son of Chernobog; he needed to be younger. She looked up as many rituals as possible, until she found the one Jenny performed. She made a web flyer to collect followers. They met up in a forest near the park at night. They began their plan. One person made the masks, another the cloaks. Misty was the leader. She was responsible of getting a child. She was desperate to go to paradise, so she looked relentlessly for a ten year old boy. She was hacking into the state database, when Timbo slunk up to her room. He was rubbing his eyes.

"Misty... I had a bad dream..." he said.

"Tim, I'm busy!" she said.

"But sis, it was scary! maybe even disturbing... There were these people with blue faces with no mouths. They were blobs of black with blue faces. One was saying something about praise and everlasting paradise, and the rest were holding me. Not nicely either. They all had their hands on me... I was so scared!" he said, his voice quavering, hands shaking.

She stopped typing and looked up. She slowly turned towards him slowly, a concerned look on her face.

"That is scary! I know! Let's go on a walk in the forest to let it leave our minds so that we can have better lives! Mom is still at work, but I am sure that she would agree to brother-sister bonding time! Here, lemme ask her." She grabbed her phone.

She texted her friends, 'HIS son has been chosen. I am coming.'

When they got there, Timbo was scared.

"W-who are they?" Misty laughed.

"They have bad dreams, too. They will help you feel better." He was in her arms, almost asleep.

"Just sleep, and your dreams will be full of cotton candy and pepsi and kitkats. You will make me proud. And I will have the honor of being your sister and servant in life, Chernobog." She smiled lovingly down at her sleeping brother. She never even remotely showed any liking for her brother before that night.

When Timbo opened his eyes, his arms were being held behind his back. There were a few people in black robes and blue masks in front of him. The leader of the group went up to him, smiling underneath the mask.

"Timbo, I am so proud! The great Lord Chernobog has chosen you as his second son!" Timbo started to cry. "I am so sorry for doubting you!"

"No... Sis... No! I don't want to be anyone's son! I just want to be your brother!"

"Brothers and sisters, we must work together to change this nonbeliever into Great Chernobog's son. All Praise Chernobog! For his bloodstained hands will bring us all salvation! To the path of everlasting paradise! Praise Chernobog!" She shouted as someone brought over a tray of utensils. Misty took her mask off. She smiled and grabbed a silver spoon.

"This is so great Brother! I will be related to the great Chernobog! And so will you! It is such an honor!"

"Misty please! I am your brother! Please don't do this! Let me go! What did I do to you? Was it me going in your room? Please, I promise I will stop doing that! Just give the word, I won't bother you ever again, even if I just want to spend time with you, I will suck it up and leave you to your studies!" he pleaded. She giggled as she placed her hand on his forehead.

"You have done nothing wrong. You have done everything right. Now you will deliver everlasting paradise to a small group of people, including me. You have always wanted to make your sister happy, no?"

His eyes widened in fear.

"All hail Lord Chernobog."

She then stabbed his eye with the spoon, ignoring his screams. He tried desperately to escape, wriggling and pushing against the people holding him down.

"Hold still, or I might kill you. We don't want that, do we?" she said as though this situation was completely normal. She started on his other eye as blood was spurting down his cheek. Someone else came forward with a ladle full of hot black tar. They poured it into his empty eye sockets as he screamed louder.

"Behold the sight of Chernobog!" she said happily to the others. Someone handed her a book of a different language.

Rise great Chernobog

Rise and take the vessel of the sacrifice we give you

Give yourself to this vessel

Be one with this vessel

Rise great lord Chernobog





Timbo rose from one cultists dead body, taking his mask. Black tar flowed over the edges of the eyeholes. All of them were dead. He grabbed his scalpel and walked towards the last living person. Misty. He looked down on his injured sister.

"R-release me into... Everl-lasting.... Paradise..." she said.

"You don't deserve it, Sis. None of you did." he said bitterly. His skin had turned gray and his teeth sharp. He walked away with her hanging onto his ankles, begging for paradise. He simply kicked her hands away and walked off. He looked back once, and saw a ghostly figure hanging a dead body with one eye ripped out.

This just in: Another mass murder of students from West Point College. The police are investigating, but no killer has been found. For all we know, this could be a loose animal. Another child has gone missing in this region: 10 year old Timbo Giannini and 15 year old Denice Matthews still haven't been found. If you see them, report to police immediately. Now at seven...

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