~Who I Am~

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The walls of the dark cavern were decorated with torches, each kept in place behind an ornate lattice of cast iron. Apprehension filled the young woman's heart as she walked deeper and deeper into it, farther and farther away from the familiar lights of society. The eerie carvings that appeared across the floor and ceiling only added the place's sense of unfriendly mystery. 

Finally, she reached what appeared to be a dead end. A mahogany table had been placed against the back wall of the cave; the set of fateful, golden scales rested upon it. 

Suddenly, a figure in a silky, blue cloak and a mask appeared out of the darkness, studying the woman with its beautiful, cerulean eyes. 

"It is time for your payment." 

The Trader's deep voice echoed off the narrow walls of its cave, making its pronouncement with cold authority. . 

The woman tentatively held out her right hand and the Trader took it in its palm, examining it. 

"Very good," the Trader remarked, having found what it was looking for. With two fingers clothed in a glove of the finest black silk, it slipped the wedding ring off the woman's finger, placing it on one of the scales. The scale sank down, burdened by the weight of the ring, while the other, empty one rose into the air. 

"Balance," the Trader said slowly. "Let it be balanced." 

The young woman nodded, reaching into the satchel that hung at her waist. She procured five copper coins, which she placed on the empty scale. This only lowered it slightly- not nearly enough to render it even with its counterpart on the other side of the balance. 

"Imbecile!" The Trader hissed. Its anger was evident despite the beautiful mask that covered its face, concealing its emotions. "You wished to marry him, and I granted your wish. Now, you shall give me what I deserve in return." 

"I've nothing more to give, Trader," the woman squeaked. 

"Then, you were a fool to make such a lofty wish." 

"Please, Trader," she begged. 

"Don't fret, now, you pretty little thing," the Trader chuckled. "Your debt will be paid." 


"You will pay...with your soul." 

The woman gasped, pulling her shawl tighter about herself, but the Trader only laughed. "Before I claim the essence of your being, I shall grant you a unique honor that I bestow only upon my eternal slaves. I shall show you who I am." 

At this, she lowered her hands to her lap, her curiosity momentarily outweighing her terror. Many speculations were made across the city of Under regarding the Trader's identity, but none had ever been confirmed. 

She watched, mesmerized, as the Trader's gloved hands rose to its face, removing the decorated mask that hid the the ocean's greatest secret. 

And then, as her eyes fell upon her oppressor's true visage, she gasped in horror and recognition before fainting on the cold rock beneath her. 

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