The exchange student, Milou (part 1)

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Milou is from the Netherlands, she's 17 years old. Her biggest dream has always been to become an exchange student in USA. Her family have always been broke, so they couldn't send her to the states, but Milou wouldn't give up easily! For 2 years she had been working from Monday-Thursday, and also sometimes in the weekends. What she did to earn her money was that she would help so many families, like baby sitting , walk peoples' dogs and all that stuff. 

It took a long time when she finally made it enough to move to the states. She was waiting to get the answers of which state she was going to stay in for the next year. But nobody gave her a sign or an answer. She was very afraid that her money and all her work was going to waste. Milou was really, really anxious and really, really sad. 

July 6th, 2002.                                                                                                                                                         One day her mom knocked on the door to her room. She showed up with a letter. Her mom handed her the letter. Milou quickly opened the letter, because she was very excited. 

The letter said;

"Hey, Milou.
Sorry we are late to give you the answers on which state you are going to live in, for the next 11 months.
We have found a host family in Memphis, Tennessee.
The family is following: A mom (Daisy), a Dad (Jack) and their 2-years-old, son, Joseph.
So you'll be going on August 12th."

She got even more excited. She was so happy that they'd found a place to her. Milou couldn't wait for meeting them and she couldn't wait for all the new experiences and new adventure, that was waiting for her.


August 11th, 2002.
Milou was so excited, but she was also stressing too! She had to pack all her clothes and remember the most important things, such as her Phone, CD's, sketch book and her books.
She was really nervous and a little bit sad, because now she had to say goodbye to all her friends and families.

Her mom and dad looked her in the eyes and told her, "You know, we love you. We believe you can do it in the states for a year! Because we know you're strong!". "Thanks mom and dad, I love you too! I'm gonna miss you, like you can't believe!", Milou told them, while she was crying.

Her best friend who was on vacation in Thailand, texted her that she was gonna miss her and told her she was the bravest person she had ever known. Milou couldn't hold back one tear. She was sad and exciting at the same time, it was a very weird feeling.

To be continued...

Sorry if this is boring or if my language is weird, but english is my 3rd language!!! 

BTW whoever reads this, you can spam with comments! :) i love comments. And you can also vote if you think it's worth it! :b

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