At the neighbors' house (Part 8)

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Milou woke up to a new day. She thought that today would be a better day. She and Justin was going to hang out later that day. 

As she went to school, everything was almost like yesterday except nobody talked to her... At all. She felt like the world was against her, first she lost her mother and then she had no friends on her new school. 

She was scared that if is she didn't find friends from school she would be send home. She thought to just give it some time, and maybe she would find someone? Who knows?

As she went home there was nobody at home. 

She picked up her phone to see if any messages were sent to her. There was. 

It was Justin. 

"Hey, when do you wanna come?", he wrote. 

She didn't exactly know yet, but she had no homework or no friend to see, and nobody was home so she guessed she could just come over now. 

"I can come over now. ;)", she texted him back.

He already responded back. 

"Hey, cool! See ya in like 2 minutes then!".

She went outside. The good thing was she didn't have to walk that long to visit Justin! 

Justin was outside to greet her. They hugged each other. Justin had a big smile on his face. It was beautiful, Milou thought. And his eyes shined so beautiful blue! 

They were going upstairs into a room that used to be Justins'. There was a bed, they both sat on the bed. 

"Do you wanna watch TV? or a movie?", Justin asked.  

"Yeah, I would love to watch a movie", she answered him. 

While they were watching the movie, she could feel him looking at her sometimes. It wasn't awkward this time, at all. For the first time they actually felt comfortable being around each other. 

When they were done with the movie, they talked about the movie and the actors. Justin told her about the actors he had met. She was very impressive of the stories he told, and some of them were also quite funny!

Milou saw Justins' eyes became more serious. 

"So I... I have something to tell", Justin said then looked down. 

"What's wrong? You can tell me anything!", Milou told him. 

Justin looked up again. He looked her in the eyes. 

"Well, I... I have to go touring again... on Friday", Justin said sad. Wow, why was he so sad, Milou thought. Shouldn't he be happy? 

"Well... Why do you sound so sad? Isn't it supposed to be fun?", she asked him. 

He sighed, "Yeah, it's just I'm gonna miss my home! And I just met you and I already enjoy hanging out with you!". 

Oh, was all she thought. 

"Well, I feel the same way, but I'm sure you'll have so much fun. Don't worry we will hang out again! And you can always call or text me if you feel like you wanna talk to me...", Milou told him. 

Justin smiled. 

"Thanks, uh, you're a really great person!", he said smiling. 

At the end of the day, she was heading home. As she stepped inside, her host- parents both asked at the same time: 

"Why the hell do you come home so late?". 

Oh. My. God, she thought. Was it really that late? 

"Well, I was just hanging out at Justins' parents' house! That house is just right next to ours!", Milou almost yelled. 

"NUH, UH. No way you're gonna spend so much time with A BOY, until late at night!!!", Jack yelled at her.

Did he REALLY think she would do anything- like making out with him already? That's unbelievable. Well, she heard that American parents like to overreact when their kids come home late at night. 

She was immediately sent to bed. 

This day was full of emptiness, anger, laughter and sadness. 

Hey. I just want to say I'm so happy there is now PEOPLE who reads my story. I never thought it would happend. I used to write, while nobody read it. So Thanks! 

I love fanfictions! So I had an idea of writing one, this is my first and it could be crappy...

FYI; y'all can spam with comments and vote, if you still thinks it's worthy. 

Have a nice day or goodnight!? 

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