A very EMOtional day (part 12)

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Milou was sitting on her bed. She barely got any sleep, because she had been thinking too much about Justin and his new girlfriend. She also thought of her mother, and how his dad was going to handle that he was left alone that year without Milou, and her mother forever.

She was drawing in her sketch book. It wasn't colorful with unicorns and rainbows, but it had a lot of dark shadows. She was drawing a girl who was looking down, and looked very sad. It was like the girl missed something to light her world up.

When Milou started to think about her mother she started to cry on her sketch book. Her sketch book became even more dark and sad. She drew a tree beside the girl. The tree symbolized; life. Even though the girl was sad, life would go on, and life changes all the time. You will meet new experiences and sometimes you'll have your ups and downs.

Milou felt like she was sent to hell. She didn't expect her life to turn into this way. First; she worked her butt off to save money for a year as an exchange student, then when she got there she lost her mom without actually saying bye, then at school nobody talked to her where she felt really lonely, and her crush began to date a girl.

But her life also had their ups. She actually got to USA as her dream always had been, she met one girl that she started to talk with, it was better than being with a lot of dumbass people! She met Justin that were a very great friend, even though he dated a girl, and she might have been a little jealous.

She looked down at her sketch, and fell asleep.

A few hours later she woke up again. She felt a little better after she had been sleeping. When she checked her phone there was a message from Felicia.

"Hey Milou can I come over???" she asked.

Milou hadn't seen her friend in a long time, so of course she would like her to come.

"YES! I missed you!!!" Milou replied in excitement.

She hid her sketch book under the bed. She didn't want anyone to ask why she had been drawing a girl who looks very sad, because then all of her sad emotions would appear again.

When Felicia came to her house she immediately hugged Milou. After that they'd go upstairs into Milous' room.

Felicia was going straight to her bed and sat down. It was like as if she felt home in her room.

"So, what are you up to?" Milou asked because she didn't know why she exactly wanted to come.

"Just talk," Felicia simply answered.

"What do yo- Milou stopped because Felicia was interrupting her.

"I wanna talk about my family right now..." she said interrupting Milou.

"My family is a big mess right now. My mom cheated on another man and my dad saw them making out in their bedroom, when my mom thought everyone was at work or at school. My dad got home way too early to surprise her with a gift, but she was making out with another man. My dad slapped her, in the face. And now we're currently trying to find a place for my mom, so she gotta move out of our house. I just NEVER imagined my mom to be like this!" she explained while she started to cry.

"Hey. I-It's okay. I-I mean. I lost my mom just the first day I got here." Milou said and it came out of her mouth way too fast.

"We're gonna get through this together! You can always talk to me, I'm your fren!" Milou said and hugged her.

"Oh- God. I didn't know that. I'm so awfully sorry! We're gonna get trough this together, I agree. And come to me too if you wanna talk with me!" Felicia said and they both hugged each other- a long friendship hug.

Later at night...

Milou had reachived two new messages from Justin.

"Hi," was all the first message said.

"I would like you to meet my girlfriend. Would you like that? She just came here in Memphis earlier this day," he texted.

Milou was tired of the thought to meet new people, and also to introduce herself.

"Yeah, but I'm like hella tired, so I look like shit rn... But y'all can still come over..." Milou texted back.

"How could it be he wanted to see me almost in the middle of the night?" Milou asked herself out loud. Justin was a night owl!

She greeted them both.

"Sorry to just come just before midnight," Justin said and smiled in a very sexy way.

"But this is my girlfriend Cameron (Diaz)," he said and looked at Cameron.

Milou didn't like the fact he was dating someone who's almost 10 years older than him. She thought it was kind of weird and wrong in some ways. Her own dad could've dated her. But as long as she didn't do anything stupid to sweet, poor, little Justin, she would kick her fine face 'till she'd bleed.

"Great! Come in, then!" Milou said and faked smiled, which she became really good at!

They sat down at the sofa in the living room. Justin and Cameron was holding hands and kissing like a crazy new couple always would do. It wasn't like tongue or something because Milou was sitting in front of them, but instead on their heads or shoulder, and sometimes on the lips.

Milou was so awkward. She didn't know where to look when they kissed each other. She just awkwardly smiled like if she wasn't jealous at all.

Milou couldn't even think about how to have a conversation with Cameron.

"Hey, Milou how's it going?" Cameron asked right after Justin kissed her forehead.

"I'm tired." Milou said and Justin began to laugh at her little cute answer. Cameron looked like she didn't see or know what was so funny about that answer.

"We're sorry, we should probably go home and let you sleep tight!" Justin said.

"Well okay, thanks," she said laughing. All she really wanted to was just to sleep!

"Okay, I'm actually going to bed, I am really tired!" Milou said seriously.

"Well see you around, then!" Justin said and was on the way out of her house with Cameron holding his hand.

To be continued...

I'm litterally tired, so I should sleep now, or I'm probably not gonna start a new chapter tomorrow...

But I hope you guys who's reading like this chapter, and you can comment and vote... :d :b see ya!

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