This Is Me Pretending

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Okay, I'm just going back, reediting, and reposting all of the chapters for TIMP. I'm super pissed that this story got deleted, so they may not be the best quality because I just want to post them and write new material. Some things might be different in these chapters because I don't remember every detail, but I'll try.




Name: Danielle Cooper

Nicknames: Dani, Dan, Cooper, Coop.

Appearance: Natural blonde hair, but dyed blue-green with a side-cut. Blue eyes. Around 5'2.

Piercings: Bottom of both ears twice. Left cartilage. Septum. Both nostrils. Middle of bottom lip (sorry, I forgot what it's called and I'm too lazy to look it up).

Tattoos: Tree of Gondor on left forearm. 'TRANSCENDS' on your right wrist.

Occupation: Semi-famous writer. You've got a few books out and they're pretty popular.

Past: You'll find out as we go along hehe... Im evil but you need some mystery lets just say it wasnt too good...


This starts in late August.

You walk into Barnes & Noble and start looking around for a new book to read.

You're looking through the fiction section when you hear a voice say "Hey, Chester! I found a section for you. *pause* This is the perfect book for you."

Seconds later you hear another voice. "This is the one you need." You look over just as he says "Sex for dummies. You need this."

You can't help but chuckle as you look back towards the books in front of you on the shelf. The two men, whom you had recognized as Mike and Chester from Linkin Park, begin to walk by you when you feel one of them pause near you.

"I know you!"

You turn around and smile, with the book you'd been looking at, still in your hand. "Is that right?" you ask Chester.

"Yeah. Well, I dont know you, but I know who you are," he grinned.

"Well, do tell me, who am I?" you now noticed Mike was also standing there, though he hadn't said a word.

"You're Danielle Cooper. I've read all of your books. They're great. Mike over here," he motioned towards Mike, "likes them too. Dontcha, Mike?"

You couldnt be sure, but it looked as if Mike blushed as he grinned and nodded.

You smiled. "And how is it, exactly, that you recognized me?"

Chester smiled, as if it was completely obvious. "Your picture on the back of the book."

You grimaced. "Ew, I hate that picture. It's so horrible. I'm surprised you recognized me from that picture."

Mike spoke up for the first time. "I think it's a good picture."

You looked to him and saw him blush slightly as he smiled. You smiled back. "Er, thanks."

Chester stepped back into the conversation. "Psh, What are you talking about? It's a fine picture. I mean, it doesnt really do you justice, but hey. It still looks good."

You slightly blush. "Thanks, Chester. Uh, not that I'm not happy to meet you and all, but... what are you guys doing here?"

Mike fielded that one. "Book signing. From the Inside. Were just on a break before we start signing again."

This Is Me PretendingWhere stories live. Discover now