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You drove home, and were greeted by Merlin, your Blue Merle Australian Shepherd. You smiled, knelt down, and petted him. "Hey, boy. How are ya?"

You stood up and headed towards the kitchen, with Merlin following. You looked at him as you walked. "Let's get you fed, eh?" You put two scoops of dog food into his bowl, and filled another with water, and put them on a mat on the floor. As Merlin ate, you went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. As you closed the door, your cell phone rang from your pocket.

You took it out and looked at the caller ID. It read 'SANDMAN'. Your friend Sandy. You smiled, and answered.

"Hey, Sandman. What's shakin'?"

"Hey, Cooper. Just wondering when you were going to the skate park. We're still meeting, right?"

You smiled. "Yeah, man. I'm on my way now, once I find my board. Ha. I think it's upstairs. I should be there in... oh... ten minutes or so?"

"Alright, see ya there."

"Yep. Peace," you hung up and headed upstairs to your room, only to find your board leaning against the wall. You smiled and picked it up. "I thought I might find you here," you said, heading back out of your room and down the stairs. You headed for the door, followed by Merlin. As you headed out the door, you turned your head to face Merlin. "I'll be back later, boy." You locked the door, and headed off to the skate park.

You pulled up just as you saw Sandy's car pull in a few spaces away from you. You get out and grab you board as Sandy comes over to your car.

"Hey, Bitch." He smiled.

You smirked. "Hey, Asshole."

You walked together into the skate park, and started skating around, doing whatever came to mind. You nearly fell off your board when you heard your name screamed. When you finally got your feet on the ground, you looked around to see who'd called you. It was Sandy. You walked over to him asking, "What the fuck do you want? You almost made me fall, dickhead."

He just smiled, and pointed to someone a few feet away, walking towards the both of you.

You looked over, and saw Mike and Joe. "Stalking me, Mr. Shinoda?" You asked, smiling.

He smirked. "Noooo, I'd never do that."

You shook your head while smiling.

"I'm guessing you know who I am, since Mike told me you're as much a fan of us as Mike is of you."

You looked over to see Joe, and smiled. You put your hand out to shake his. "Yeah. Hey. Nice to meet you, Joe."

He smiled, while shaking the hand you'd offered. "Nice to meet you, too, Danielle," he looked at Mike, then back to you, "He wouldn't shut up until I agreed to come to the skate park with him. Got annoying, really. That's the only reason I finally gave in. So he'd shut up and leave me alone." He smiled as he skated off, while waving back at all three of you.

You looked at Mike and smirked.

He blushed while adjusting his DC hat. "What?"

You said nothing, and just kept looking at him with the same smirk on your face.

"Uh, I'll leave you two... alone..." Sandy smirked as he walked off to continue skating.

Mike looked away from you, then back, to see you still smirking at him. "Seriously, what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

You chuckled, and shook your head. "Oh, no reason no reason at all."

"Oh, come on."

You smiled. "Wouldn't shut up about coming to the skate park, huh? And what, exactly, was so important about going to the skate park, dear, Mike?"

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