No Coment on Life

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                                                                  Chapter 2

No Coment on Life

I've had a wierd encounter with women ever since i was 8. When i was that age i started to get these wierd vibes that im supossed to put myself out there;So i did but the wrong people took hold. My 16 year old baby sitter wasn't exactly a good sitter. She made me feel special but one day she showed me how special she felt.

Ever since that day i new what a girl felt like and that messed me up, but i don't regret it because if i didn't run into that problem i wouldve never experienced what i did.

So i was still thinking

"wow i don't know why i do what i do.. but i do it."

Lifes hard... Deal with it.

The only way that it gets better is when its over... But thats what got me thinking what happens when you die...

      I spent 4 years being an Athiest before i explored my other options. I didn't want to regret my disitions of change but what if im right...

What if god isn't real and we are just made of the spit we came from.. then what ill spend the rest of my life obaying a false figure... but what if im wrong

               what if god is real and the world isn't as complex as it seems...

So i made a diagram one side had God the other had Science.I started with God by putting "One figure made Billions of smaller figures". I did Science and it came out the same result...

I next went to Science and put "hydrogen and oxygen makes water"... then i went to gods and put "God made scientists"... i thought where the hell is the logic behind this.. I went down to the smallest, most miniscule detail and came out uneven.. science wins every time...

But then i remembered science is logical; sure i know it sounds obvious but you can put a chettah and a turtle on a race track it's not only irrelevant but also unfair... i had to find a new way to look at this

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