Akward and more Akward

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Ever so slightly Grace puts her hand in mine. I lightly wrap my fingers around hers looking down at her to make sure she was ok with it. She nodded her head telling me it was alright. We walk out of the room and down the hall. When we past the pictures I notice Grace had her head down.

We got to the stairs and slowly descend down them. It took us a little longer because Grace was having trouble walking down the stairs. Finally reaching the bottom we walk back into the living room. All the girls were watching tv or on their phones. Camila looks up from her phone first.

"Oh you found her. Dinah was just about to go up there and see if you were still alive," Camila giggle knowing Dinah wouldn't move for life. I smile at them and walk over to the chair I was sitting in before. Grace stood to the side of me looking at the tv. "Hey Grace want to introduce yourself?" I ask her.

She looked at the girls and back at the ground. I turn the tv off so everyone had her full attention. "My names Grace but you can call me Gracie," she whispered barley looking up. Wonder if this has to do with the note. The girls all waved and said hi to her. I introduced her to all the girls as well.

I look at my phone to see its already 5:00pm. Right on cue I hear a chorus of whale noises coming from the girls stomach. "Looks like its dinner time. Pizza?" I ask. Everyone nods their head agreeing to that. I stand up and walk into the kitchen. I call for pizza and order two knowing Camila.

I turn around to see Grace standing right behind me. I jump a little not knowing she was right there. "Hey kiddo what's up?" I ask her. She shakes her head and walks back out to the living room. Okay that was awkward. I walk back into the living room and go on snapchat while waiting for pizza.

After twenty minutes the doorbell rings. I get up and retrieve the pizza bringing it into the kitchen. "PIZZAS HERE," I yell to the girls. Everyone comes rushing in grabbing a piece and sitting at the counter. Before I even eat a slice of pizza I realize grace isn't here. Why is she always disappearing.

I walk back upstairs and into her room. Grace comes out of her bathroom with a sully onesie on. Let me tell you it's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole life. "Hey Sully pizzas here," I say to her. She looks at me and than at her onesie getting the joke. I race downstairs to warn the girls.

Lauren comes racing down the stairs at full speed skidding into the kitchen. We all put down our pizza waiting for her. "Cutest overload," she pants out getting her breath back. At first we don't get it but than my mouth drops open. If I had pizza in my mouth I would choke on it. Everyone has their mouth open too.

Grace comes into the kitchen with a Sully onesie on. Let me tell you it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. "Girl your cuter than the word cuter itself," Dinah says snapping her fingers in a Z. Grace looks down hiding her blushing cheeks. Literally this kid is adorable.

If I was her mom I would want to spend every waking moment with her. "Lauren can you hand me a piece of pizza," Grace whispers gently tugging on Lauren's shirt. Lauren puts a piece of pizza on a plate for Grace and gives it to her. Grace takes it in her hands and walks over to the counter.

I watch her as she slides the pizza on the counter which is five times her height. She tries to climb up on the stool but can't pull herself up all the way. "Need some help?" I ask her. Embarrassed she nods her head. I get off my chair and walk over to her. I pick her up place her in the chair.

She grabs the pizza and slides it closer to her so she can eat it. "Thank you Camila," she says before taking a bite out of her pizza. Dang this girl is more polite than the queen of England herself. I watch her as she eats the pizza her bites so small. Once she's one fourth done she puts it down.

She climbs down the stool and grabs her plate and puts it in the garbage. "If you need me I'll be upstairs in my room. Feel free to do what ever, she says walking away. I could almost detect a hint of sadness in her voice. I look at the girls and there all starring at the spot Grace was just in.

"What just happen?" Normani asked. We all just stare at the spot. How, who, what! This girl is only five and she acts like a grown up. I don't like it one bit. She shouldn't be like this. I bet it has to do with her mom always leaving her. How can someone leave their child for a whole year. That's just rude.

We all clean up and walk back over to the couch. We all decide to watch a movie but I'm not focusing on it. My mind keeps wandering to Grace and how she is so used to being left alone so many times. I'm determined to change that. I will change that. What is that little girl hiding from us?

Camila seems really nice. Mom would never help me onto the stool. I would have to climb up there by myself. When I finally did get up there my food would be cold. They didn't even make a comment on my onesie. Except Dinah but it was a good comment. Once again the feeling comes back in my stomach.

I look at my clock to see its reads 10:00pm. I should really get some sleep. I dread sleep. That's when my nightmares come out. Usually I don't care because no ones home but now five girls are here I'm sure my telling would wake one of them up. They would surely leave than.

I tuck myself in and close my eyes ready for the nightmares to start. I shut my door and duck taped the cracks so no one would hear me when I scream. Just to be positive I'm sleeping under my pillows so the scream will be muffled. I don't want them not getting any sleep because of me.

I was in the front yard with mommy and daddy. Mommy had her beautiful yellow sun dress on while daddy had his price charming outfit on. Everyone Sunday mommy and daddy would react a Disney movie. This time it was beauty and the beast. Daddy turned into a price when mommy kissed him.

"And now to kill Gaston," daddy evilly said to me. He came over to me and picked me up in the air. Thinking it was part of the act I went along with it. That's until I felt something cold in my chest. I look down to see daddy stabbed a knife into my chest. Blood was dripping down my chest.

I shoot up from my bed holding my chest panting heavily. I look down at my chest to see it knife free. I rub my eyes in exhaustion knowing I'm not going back to bed. I hold my stuffed tiger closer to me and stare up to the ceiling. Tiny glow in the dark stars light up my ceiling making a green glow.

I put them up the second time mommy left. Oh no it's happening. Great please say this isn't going to be long. I start to squirm in my bed kicking my legs and arms around. Great my personality disorder is acting up. After a few more kicks I lay motionless on my bed. Not sure wait state I'm in I heave myself up.

My arms are weak and I can barley hold my own weight. Great in my four year old self. This isn't good. What will lolo and Camzi think. No, it's getting worst. I start crying and hyperventilating too. I hold my knees up to my chest rocking back and forth. Why do you have to act up now.

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