Chapter 1

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April's Pov.

I hold the locket I got from my Mom as my hands were shaking. I looked at the door with betrayal and fear. I just heard my sister talk to are friends and some other people about taking down the wall and showing humanity that there not the top dogs in this world. Tears weld in my eyes, I heard every word they said even from outside, with my advance hearing it could be a curse or a blessing but in this case it is a curse. I went to my room and packed all my stuff and raced out if the house. I have to warn my friends, before it's to late. I shifted making sure there was no lightning or star affects. I kept running even know I was a black wolf Pup with a blue moon crest around my right eye. My worn out bag that held all my stuff was around my neck. My speed increased even know I'm 4 years old my wolf form is bigger and stronger in all ways. I look back to see a small cottage in the distance, I turn back and look forward.

"I'm not like you Annie and I will never be...." I look ahead to see the walls but the difference is that it's opening. I look to my left to see soldiers rushing towards the gates.

I follow with them and into the inside of the walls. I soon cover my ears for all the noises and hateful remark to these soldiers makes me cringe and angry. I turn away from thre crowds of people and inbark towards my friend Lucy's house.

Going into a Alley way I changed back to my 'Real Self' and almost running to the front door. Lucky for me that they know my so called 'family' are titan-shifters. I knocked hardly onto the door, until I head feet coming towards the door. When it opens I quickly go and find a bags and throw them in the middle of the room.

"What are you doing April?" The confusion in her voice made her seem younger then she is but really she's 9, and my only friend.

"Lucy pack, and I'm mean right now tell your family to do so." I keep looking for more bags when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Lucy's Hazle eyes stare into my soul looking for a anwser.

"There planing on taking down the wall... there planing on destroying humanity..." I looked down and glare at the floor with betrayal and anger.

Lucy's gasps before quickly packing what she needs and getting her family. I Zoned out while they were packing only to here a fearful scream. I looked out the window, before seeing everyone has there bags. Lucy looks at me then her parents Lilly and Adin. I go out the door and look at the wall to see Bertolt. I cry and go inside grabbing Lucy's hand while dragging her to run making it really hard because she's older then me and stronger.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WATCH PLEASE RUN TO THE BOATS!" I blasted my anger at her and she looked shocked because I'm never mean.

Well what can I do my wolf senses are slowly taking some control and adding strength to my human form.

"Sorry...." Lucy smuggled a sorry to her self while her parents were no where to be found. I look at her with worry.

"Lucy where's your parents?" She immediately perked up and looked to see her parents still looking at bertolt.


I watched in slow motion as a rock comes flying towards them. Slowly I felt tears fall down, I fall to my knees and scream. Every thing is slowly drowning me. Titans foots steps smashed into the distance as they made there was into the walls with there smiles... there cocky smiles.

Lucy runs to her parents crying and yelling. I was frozen as I watch a Titan kick her to a wall. Her body smashed into it, I heard the cracking of the bones. I whimpered and watch as the Titan picks her up. Her long blonde hair falls out of its bun. I cry harder and look at lucy.

"LUCY NO! PLEASE LET HER GO SHE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT!" The Titan looks at me for a second before chomping Lucy's head off. Her blood splattered everywhere and even on me. My own white blonde hair almost seemed bleached with the blood dripping in my hair. My sky blue eyes turned darker and darker to the most darkest blue you can ever see.

I punched the floor with regret and pain and started to scream. My screaming got louder and louder until it seemed more like a wolf's cry.

"A howl of a wolf and the determination in a wolf's heart is the a ture power that no body can hold." I remenber the words my mom told me before she left Annie, dad, and I to a place we will never know.

My scream got more louder and you can hear the walls shaking and the earth crumble with the impact. The Titan screeched bloody murder before clasping on to the ground with a thud that can outstand thunder. I shifted into my wolf and whimpered in sorrow and pain.

I slowly get up and cry in my own wolfy way until I got onto the boats. You might be thinking how did I get on here and nobody else well let me tell you something I jumped onto the departure boat. When no body was looking my way I shifted back and pulled my knees into my chest. I cryed and whimpered for a long time until I heard running in the distance.

"I thought they were done..." I watched as Reiner breaks down wall Maria with his armor.

I stood up and walked to the edge of the boat clasping my hands onto the the wood. The pressure kept increasing every foot he made. When he stop I saw him looking at me. I glared at him with anger and betrayal soon it was filled with discuss I my fingers digged into the wood. My fragile four year old body was taking so much emotions and dark memories that it was slowly corrupting I tried to yell at him but I felt pain when I did. I felt at my throat and felt liquids pouring out. I pulled my hand back and it was blood. I touched again and knew that I punchered my vocal cords making me not able to speck. I wiped the liquid off my neck and pulled out a black scarf I got from my dad. I wrapped it around my neck and tried to calm down. I looked back to where Reiner was only to see he was gone.

"I guess my adventure just started."


I took the pocket clock I just stole out of my pocket and swung it around aimlessly. I was now 5. It's been a year since the wall fell, and I have became the youngest criminal ever. I walked to where the refugees from the wall were kept to see if I can get some smug of the food they give. I ran into some people and pushed down but let's just said the person who punched me got a bloody nose. I walked through out the crowds until I saw a boy kick one of the Garrison soldiers in the leg. I walked over to kick a better look to see the solider had punched him to the ground. When he was about to kick him I came up behind and pinched one of his pressure points on his back making him fall down paralyzed. I helped the boy up just enough so he can still get up but without my help. When he was up the other solider just stand there trying to wake up his buddy.

"Thank you for saving my friend Eren... ermm?" I knew he was expecting my name but all I did was bring down the black scarf I had to show him my damaged and stitched up throat. He took a step back and I frown.

"What happened to your throat?" I raised my hands and in sign language spoke.

'My Names April and how my throat got damage was from the fall of wall Maria.' They didn't look like they understand except for the girl surprisenly.

"She said her names April and when wall Maria fell is when she got her vocal chords punchered.'  I nodded in meaning she was right and started to walk away. Before I got far the boy I helped grabbed my shoulder ruffly. I flipped him over and looked at him with a emotionless expression.

"What was that for and why are you walking away?!" I looked at his eyes and saw the neon color all the other titan-shifters had and cursed in my mind. I raised my hands once more for the girl to see.

'I have to leave and sorry for flipping you it was a reflex.' I walked away before looking back.

There going to be so etching one day... I just know it.





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