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If you guys are enjoying my fan fictions of Harry Styles than please read my fan fiction of Niall Horan. As always vote and comment. :) Thank you


I was sitting in my seat anxious for the bell to ring. I did what any desperate person would do I start counting. Every minute was getting longer and longer each time. After hours which seemed like years of waiting the bell finally rang. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the double doors. As I was walking home from hell (school) suddenly someone ran into me. I dropped my phone and the screen cracked. I bend down and reach my hand towards the phone. I grabbed the phone, or what was left of it. A sweet voice suddenly spoke out. The second I look up I see a cute blonde boy with amazing blue eyes.

"OMG! I am so sorry" he said

"It's ok it's just a phone" I said

"I'll buy you a knew one"

"No no no you don't have to do that, not at all"

He looks at me

"Perhaps a drink?"he said


He gives me this heart warming smile.

"Let's go then"

"Ok" I said returning the heart warming smile

We walked to Starbucks and ordered some drinks. We spend half of the time laughing.And the rest of the time we talked about things we do and like. After hours of talking and laughing he walks me back home.

(He looks at me shyly)

"Hey what's your name" he asks me hiding what he really wanted to ask me.

"My name is y/n, what's yours"

"My name is niall" he chuckled

The entire way to my house there was an awkward silence. I was so devastated. We reach my house after that long walk of awkward silence.

"So um....y/n I was wondering if you would maybe just maybe wanted to hang out some other day" he said shyly

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks get red hot. And a lot of fragile butterflies at the pit of my stomach.

"Um, yeah sure why not"

He hands me a piece of paper with his number written on it.

"Call me when you can" he commented

"I will, thank you" I said

"For what" he answered confused

"For giving the best 6 hours of my life"

"Oh your welcome and again I'm sorry for breaking your phone"

"Hey it's ok it was just a phone"

"Well see you soon"

"Ok bye"

He walked out of my yard and he made his way back to his house. I hope that this moment doesn't feel like a blur in the morning. Like all of my other experiences with guys. I opened the door to find my drunk father on the couch. He looked white as snow. His lips were a light shade of purple. The dark circles under his eyes making his eyes jump out from their sockets. The sight was scary. I tipped toe up the stairs knowing if i didn't it would make a sound. Each step i took I looked back to make sure he was still sleeping. I finally reached my room. I walk in the bathroom and take off my clothes. I slowly turn the knob adjusting the temperature of the water. I get in the shower and cleared my mind. After a few hours of a glorious hot shower I come out. I walk to my closet and find some clothes to wear. I slowly open my door I take a sharp breath before I took my first step. I prayed that no one would hear me the entire time I was coming down.when I finally make it to the kitchen I open the cabinet and I take out a pot. I jump when the sound of all the pots and pans fall out. I prayed that my dad didn't hear anything. Thankfully he didn't but my mom did. I start shaking when I hear the voice of my mom making its way towards me. I try to hide somewhere when someone grabs my arm in a vicious way. I look up to find my mom. Her face was all haggard and furious with these really dark circles under her eyes. She grabs the pot from my hand and grips it in her hand. She Takes out her cigarette that was placed upon her lips and throws it on the floor. With her now free hand she grabs me by my throat. I try to breathe when suddenly my vision gets blurry. I could still see her. She grabs the pan and hits me in the face with it. I suddenly fall on the floor. As I am on the floor with blood all over my eye and cheek. I see another figure standing beside her. The figure was tall and buff with dark blonde hair and with brown eyes. He suddenly walks over to me and he kicks me in the stomach. From my stomach he grabs me by my hair and then my mom opens the front door and he throws me outside. I now lay on the cold wet grass all covered in dirt and in blood. The sound of my mom comes from my window upstairs once again.

"Here take all your stupid shit with you"

She throws my backpack out the window along with my clothes. I couldn't help but cry more and sob harder. I try to get up but I couldn't so I crawled my way to my stuff. I grab my backpack and but all of my clothes in it. I only had like about 5 shirts and 3 pants along with just one pair of shoes. I put my backpack on my back and slowly got up. I took little steps and I finally got out my house. Well my old house. With the pain in my stomach and in my face; my shaky legs didn't get me far when I collapse on the sidewalk. I was nearly about to die when the sound of two car doors being shut and the light of a car shine's on my face disturbed me. I really couldn't see nothing but the voice of two people come near me and get me off the floor.

"She is bleeding on her face and has a terrible injury on her stomach" I heard coming from the voice of a women

"Let's get her to the hospital" I heard another voice coming from a man.

At that moment I blacked out......................
..............................(TO BE CONTINUED)

I hope you enjoy the first chapter:)

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