14 2 3

All of those memories of when I used to smile all the time. When nothing could make me sad. All of that felt like a blur. (Beep,beep,beep,beep) I kept hearing constantly. The sound that seemed to have come from a machine made me open my eyes. My vision blurry, my body stiff and wounded. My breathing hard and slow. I feel someone put there warm hand over mine. As my vision started to clear up I see a women in a dark purple-long sleeve shirt and black pants besides a tall man who's  wearing a black shirt with dark blue jeans and a black jacket.  I was so worn out and in so much pain. I was hurt terribly on the right part of my face. A sharp pain came through my stomach. I felt horrible. The two unknown people looked at me with a hurt face. The women was crying heavy. each year that came out if her eyes had pain and sorrow. I was to frightened to talk, or to ask  anything. A knock was surprising at the moment. I felt kinda relieved when I saw that the person who knocked was the doctor. He looks at me with gentle eyes. The way he looked at me reminded me of how my dad used to do it. As much as I didn't want to let go of those precious memories,i had to because I'm just tired of hiding my pain through a smile. He walks over to me and starts talking to me.

"So ellie i just wanted to check up on you and tell you that you can get out of here in the morning" he said in a sweet and cherished voice.

"Um ok t-t-thank you doctor" 

"No problem I'll try to contact your family members" he commented

"Ok Well thanks again for everything doctor"

"Your welcome"

At that moment the doctor left the room and it was just me  and the married couple. I look towards them then they came up to me. It was weird since I didn't know who they were.

"If you don't have a place to stay you could stay with us".I was surprised of the sudden comment that came from the women.

" It's fine I think I can live with my grandmother "

" Well If anything you are more than welcome to stay with us"

"Oh thank you but I wouldn't want to be an intruder "

" You won't be an intruder, we take you in as family"

" I really miss that, and I also really appreciate it"

Another knock appears at the door. The man walked up to it and opened it. It was the nurse. She doesn't come on but speaks from the door.

"Visiting hours are over" she said before walking away

" Oh ok " they said

"Well  I guess we'll see another time hopefully" he said

"Honey wait how about you go back home and I'll stay here with her"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am 100% sure"

"Oh you don't have to stay here with me im not even family"u commented

" If my son was in the situation that you been through I would have stayed there as long as I lived" she said with a sweet yet hurt voice

I couldn't Help but give her a smile. the man walked up to her and gave her a kiss and a hug before he left. He places his hand on the door knob and opens the door. Before he even walked out of the room he looked over to me and said good luck and I wish you the best. I was so touched to know that someone actually cares about me even if it was someone I  didn't even know. The women walked over to the chair next to the bed and sat next to me. There was silence until she asked me a question.

"So how did this happen?"

I didn't answer as I tried to remember what exactly happened last night. When all of details came to my head I explained it to her.

"My mom hit me with a pot in my face then my dad kicked me in the stomach" I explained

"Wow you are a strong and courageous young lady" she says with tears rolling down her cheek

"Well it's not the only time it's happened to me"

"You really are an inspiration to me, I admire your strength,courage. You have been through things that no one in the world should have to go through. And how you are still standing's just so amazing. And I truly admire it" she says to me

" Thank you"

"Your welcome"

"No I mean thank you, thank you for being here with me even though you could have been at your home with your family. but you choose to be here with me"

" No problem you deserve a lot of things. and it hurts me to see that your parents did this to you. and that they don't show you the love that a true parent is supposed to show to their kid" she said

We both smile at each other. She then gets up to turn off the lights and turn on the TV. I get comfortable in the bed and tried to sleep.

"Good night sweetie, sweet dreams"  she said

I give her a smile and I found myself drifting into a calm and peaceful sleep. Until I was fully asleep.

TO BE CONTINUED............................


My Best Friend || N.H ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora