The Story Begins

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'BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP' Goes the alarm. Waking Kyle up. He puts the alarm off groaning. "AAARRGHH...... 6:30 Already?" He asks himself. He gets up out of his king sized bed-frame that he has just with a standard Mattress. He stands up feeling incredibly tired. He walks out to the upstairs shower, and turns it on. As the water heats up he takes of his underwear (the only thing he was wearing). He gets in and starts to put the shampoo and conditioner into his semi long hair. He then washes it out, he then grabs the bar of soap. As he is rubbing the soap into his hand it slips, out of reflex he goes to catch. He grabs it right before it hits the ground. Kyle is '6'1', has a stocky medium build, has medium length of ash blond hair, he has bright green eyes and is 15 years old.

As he catches it he slips and falls in the Bathtub, busting his shoulder on the side of it, Breaking his shoulder. "Ow" Kyle says. He then picks himself up and rubs the soap off his hands. Kyle grabs his shoulder and feels a part of his Collar Bone sticking out, " 1...2...3" Kyle counts. He then pushes the bone back into place, "OWWWWW!" Kyle yelps, the wound then begins to heal, in a matter of seconds it looks like he didn't even fall over. "That's an amazing way to start the morning" Kyle proclaims. Kyle gets out of the shower started to dry himself, he looks into the mirror. He looks at his chest seeing his medium build body, but looking at the mark on his chest, in shape of an 'X'.

He thinks back as too how that happened, how his father beat him to a pulp as a kid, since he could heal from it. He thinks about how his father cut his chest in shape of an 'X' just because he dropped a glass off the dining table. Kyle remembers about how he took all of that abuse for so long, that was until, his sister was born. Kyle thinks about how much he loves his sister and starts to smile, he then thinks about how almost 9 months ago, 1 month after she was born, their father tried to beat her just as he did Kyle. He thinks about how much hate filled his body when he picked her up and went to hit her, Kyle remembers how he shoved his father with all the strength he had not knowing he was that strong the father dropped his sister and went flying off the little balcony. Kyle caught his sister.

Kyle remembers the terrified look on his father's face, his father then packed a bag and left and till this day he hasn't spoken or heard from him, he did it for his mother and sister not for him, he thinks about why after all these years why this one wound hasn't healed, and he still doesn't know. Kyle then gets dressed to go to his school, 'New York Public' one of the better public schools. He grabs his bag and grabs his skateboard, getting ready to leave he goes to the door, only to get stopped by his mother, "Kyle remember I'm working the late shift tonight... so you're going to have to look after Kayla (his almost one-year-old sister)" says Kyles mum, her name is Veronica Clark, she is '5'6' and has a smaller build and is quite attractive, she is a nurse and is also 42 years old. She also has Black, long, wavy hair that's in a braid. She has dull green eyes.

"Yes Mum" Kyle responds, "Thank you" Veronica responds. Kyle walks out the door taking a massive breath of fresh air, Kyle then hops on his skateboard beginning his journey, he starts skating down the road, feeling at peace. He starts thinking about what classes he is going to have today, he thinks about his friends, his best friends, Mitch and Kathleen, Mitch is '5'10' and has a stocky build a little bit smaller then Kyle's build. He has black oily hair, at a medium length and he is 14 years old as well has brown eyes. And then there is Kathleen or Kat for short, she is '5'7', has long straight blond hair that is always down, she has a medium build and has bright green eyes and is 15 years old. Kat has been Kyles crush since the first time they met, which was 13 years ago, what he doesn't know is that she has as well.

Kyle keeps riding his skateboard, he then hears a high pitch noise, he falls off his skateboard and starts tumbling down the footpath. He holds his ears, and starts to hear a voice saying "I know you, you won't win this". He then picks himself up and grabs his skateboard, and tries to start riding the few more streets to school, but the noise is to intense he can't stay on the board, but then he hears a more familiar voice, a soft voice saying "Kyle... are you okay Kyle?" a voice says. Kyle feels a hand on his shoulder he turns to see Kat, the noise instantly stops, he looks at her beautiful face looking at her slightly rosy cheeks, her two dimples, and her beautiful bright green eyes, and her smile, oh her smile could shine brighter than the sun. She has Purple Lipstick and other purple make up on as per usual.

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