i love..

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we get to my apartment and open the door i sit on the couch tim gets me drink if water.
[Tims pov]
She cried a lot on the car ride here. she didn't even respond to anything i said I'm surprised i'm still alive. But she must be pretty dehydrated after...yeah i grab her a cup of water and sat down with her on the couch. "I cant believe he would do this. He acted like he cared."she said"why would he sleep with her I mean is she prettier than me tim." she said in a moment of desperation. "No your the most beautiful woman i have ever had the pleasure of meeting in fact i.."was interrupted by her lips pressed against mine "i love you" we say in unison "you have been there for me whenever i needed it you were always there and you always cared" i looked her in the eyes and could tell she meant it"i think we should go to bed its like ten o'clock uhh you can sleep in my. Bed if you want"i say "wow time really flys good idea" she says as she walks to my room i wrap up on the couch with a blanket and just before i  fall asleep i her sweet voice say"night"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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