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Chapter 1

A fine camera focuses on the sofa set placed in center of studio which is filled with crowd. Host of show enters with voice of clapping.


The intensity of clapping magnifies.

"Are you guys ready for our guest?"

The answer comes in the form of hooting and shouting.

"Tonight we will interview an actor, who in-spite being 45, still known as bad boy of bollywood."

A middle age guy enters the studio

"Who dares to call me old???"

Audience creates uproar. There is hooting, shouting and clapping. Few girls try to break the barrier in order to enter the stage but sooner got control by security.

"Please welcome the heartthrob of our nation, the dream guy of every woman, the bad boy whom every girl dreams to tame. Our very own Super star RAHUL MALHOTRA"

Studio again got filled with hooting. Both host and Rahul Malhotra sits on the sofa and interview starts.

"Why did you came so early? at-least you have waited for my formal call to enter the show."

"you just insulted me by saying old, i dont know what colorful words you might have created to describe me in my absence"

and then both laugh

"I was just stating the mere fact. By the way, welcome to our show Mr. Malhotra, it's been our pleasure to have you here"

Karan Malhotra moves his neck and tries to watch towards the entrance.

"What happened?

"i was searching for my father?"

"your father?"

"Yes. You just called for Mr.Malhotra on stage and as far as i know, he is my father"

And then they laugh again.

"you and your sense of humor is quite good" host says sarcastically

"Thanks Karan"

"So how is your leg right now?"

"It's doing pretty much better than last night"

And both of them laughed.

"I would like you to congratulate as your film crossed 100 crore within a week. So how does it feel?"

"Thanks Karan. We make films for audience; if it creates such a landmark then we are doing a good job"

"During promotion of your film today in lukhnow, there was a stampede and few including you got injured"

"It was really messy. Its good thing that police controlled it before something serious happens it all comes with 'star package' and you have to deal with it"

"So how do you deals with this 'star package'. I mean pros are ok but what about cons? How you deal with it?"

"Sometimes it feels good to be a star but sometimes it overwhelms. Every moment of yours is news. You just gave a friendly bump on one of your friend's shoulder and there Is a breaking news that 'Rahul Malhotra had a fight with so and so.' You can't go to mandir without being spotted by croud or crowd getting out of control. you cant go to mall to hang out with your friends. You cant go on a dinner with a friend or a fan without a headline tagging your affair with that gentlewoman."

Another Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora