Chapter 1

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That is all I could do now. I watched the blood drain out of my parents limb bodies due to the pieces of glass that cut through their porcelain skin. I wanted to screaming out their names but I couldn't. It was as if someone was covering my mouth with their hand.

I jolted out of bed covered in sweat and heard a crack of thunder.

"It's just a dream Anna" I thought

I looked beside at my nightstand and saw that it was 2:35 a.m. I got out of my queen sized bed and went to my small bathroom. I turned on the light which hurt my eyes looking

at it. As I gazed in the mirror and I was horrified at what I saw.

My long brunette hair that reached mid-waist was sticking up and my emerald colored eyes had dark almost purple colored bags underneath them.

I kept looking at myself and I remembered them. I had my mothers beautiful brunette hair and my fathers wise eyes. Just thinking about them brought tears to my eyes.

"Why did they have to go?" I thought

I sighed turned off the lights and went to my kitchen to get a glass of water and cool myself down. I walked to my living room and started to make a fire feeling that it was cold. As I was taking a gulp I heard the rain outside the window. Walking to the window I saw a figure dashing through the trees.

It appeared to be an animal, but I wasn't sure.

"Should I go out there?" I kept thinking.

I don't want to be that dumb person in the movies that goes to investigate and then gets killed.

"What if it's hurt?" "I'll just take my chances" I thought.

I put my glass down and put on my red rain boots, my coat and took a flashlight. I put my hood on and opened the back door to my small house. I turned on the flashlight and stood still all I heard was the rain hitting on the roof of my house.

Lightning struck through the sky and lit all of the backyard. That's when I saw it. It was a massive raven wolf with glowing amber eyes.

I gasped.

I've never seen a wolf in person and one as beautiful as this one. When the sky got dark again I shined my flashlight where the wolf stood but it had disappeared.

"How does a wolf just vanish like that?"

I kept looking for it but I couldn't seem to find it. I walked deeper into the forest and heard a boom. I jumped.

"It's just thunder Anna. Relax" I thought.

I heard a whimper to my left and walked ever so slowly to the source.

"Oh God this is the part it jumps out and eats me!" "Relax Anna! Relax!" Gosh I need help I thought.

I grabbed the bush and moved it to the side and was shocked at what I saw. It was the same wolf I saw earlier but this time it was bleeding from its left front paw. It had a deep cut on it.

I kept observing it and noticed it was a male wolf. He tried walking but he whimpered every time he walked on it's injured leg.

"Don't move" I thought

He did stop. It was as if he read my mind.

I walked closer to him slowly not to scare him but he didn't look scared. I would say he looked rather amused.

I reached down to his muzzle and he began to lick the tip of my fingers. It sent shivers down my spine. I then reached for his head and began scratching near his ears he began to purr. I smiled at his actions. He stopped purring and looked at me with pure awe.

"This is one strange wolf" I thought

I kept thinking how I was going to get this wolf out of this rain and into my house. I looked around and spotted the old broken down shed in the distance.

I motioned to the wolf to stay put and that I would be right back. I ran to the shed and found an old dusty looking wheelbarrow I grabbed its handles and pulled it out of the shed it was red and quite heavy nothing I couldn't handle.

I pushed the wheelbarrow through the muddy lawn leaving a trail of dug up grass. At this point I was soaked, but it didn't matter. What mattered now was getting that wolfs injured paw healed. I trudged through the forest until I found the spot where I left him.

To my surprise he was still there waiting for me. I walked near him and put both my hands on his sides of his rib cage and heaved him up like Rafiki did to Simba in The Lion King.

"God how much does this wolf weigh!?" I huffed in my head

I placed him gently in the wheelbarrow being careful with his paw. He literally overfilled the wheelbarrow. He is probably bigger than a Great Dane.

I pushed with all of my force to my house but this wheelbarrow probably got ten times heavier. I pushed until finally I got to my back door. I opened it and went inside to retrieve some towels and put them near the fire place in the living room.

I went outside and picked up the wolf the same way as before and sprinted to the Living room because I felt him slipping out of my hold. I placed him on the now warm towels. I went to the back door and closed and locked the door.

"This is going to be an interesting day" I thought.



This is my very first story and I know it's pretty short. Hopefully you guy's will like it. Feel free to give me any advice or what you think of it. I shall take none offensive.



p.s. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. I hope you guys have an awesome New Years!! :D

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