Chapter 6 - Everything Furry

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It was a few weeks after the miscarriage incident.

Ashley and Niall had been sticking to the method of trying to forget.

You could tell they loved each other.

Ashley decided to become a werewolf so she could marry Niall.

I felt slightly betrayed. My best freind had found someone to call hers when I couldn't even get a boyfriend.

I walked to her and congratulated her.

Niall began to explain that while he changed her they would have to be alone.

I knew Kasie was jealous. It hurt to see her jealous but I knew she was happy for us.

When we were finally alone, Niall began the ritual.

"This is goin' to hurt ya." He warned me. His cute accent evident in his voice.

"I'm ready." I said strongly.

He bit himself and put his hand to my mouth. Letting the blood drip to my mouth.

It burned badly. My throat hurt a lot. I could feel myself about to faint.

"Ashley, transformation takes a few hours. During that time you must be asleep to avoid the pain." He said as he picked up a needle full of a clear liquid.

"When you wake up, you'll be a werewolf." He said as he injected me with the liquid.

Everything got blurry. I felt heavy. I could feel Niall holding my hand as I drifted from consciousness.

I watched her fall asleep. I really hoped she'd be able to fully turn.
I had told her that there was only a 20% that she'd be able to fully turn.

But because we were truly in love the chances went up greatly to 55%.

I held her hand for hours. Around 3 and a half hours later.
She woke up.

I felt different as I began to awaken. I felt hungry. Starving even, for prey.

I sat up and ran out of the house. Eating was the only thing on my mind.

Niall was behind me. Following me to make sure I wouldn't harm anything. Which I won't.


I growled as I saw a rabbit hopping along. I got into stance ready to tear this little bugs bunny apart.

I pounced and I ripped the head off. Savoring it's fatty and bloody flavor.

I mutilated it. Enjoying each and every bite and that uniqueness that each one held. It was like a buffet except this time it was mutilated animal parts on the menu.

After devouring the cute little rabbit. I pounced on a deer.

Tasted slightly like deer jerky only better.

Less gamy and I definitely enjoyed the deer more. I ate the horns like a bone. Gnawing and enjoying the flavorless crunch of the horns.

I ran back to the house, content with what I've eaten. Everyone looks happy. Except for Kasie.

She had never seen any of them eat. They always came back clean and blood free. I, however, was covered in blood. Reminisce of rabbit fur and deer fur was evident on me.

She was horrified. I wanted to give her a hug. And I didn't think before giving her a hug. I accidentally coated her with blood.

Everyone looked shocked. Kasie screamed.

I'm covered in blood of some poor animal. I love animals.

I screamed so loud I could feel blood running from my ears.

The werewolves of the group took the vampires away just in case.

I ran into the forest. Not caring if I got lost. In fact I wanted to get lost.

I felt like I lost the one person who understood me. Ashley. She wasn't the same person anymore.

I kept running until I tripped and fell off a cliff. My body hurling through the air.

I landed on a tree. I wanted to get away as far as possible.

The trees were huge so I layed on the branch. My back ached from the fall. I looked up and saw the wall of the cliff and from the branch I could see water. The ocean!

I knew they'd be coming to get me.


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