11 // Club

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Seonghwa (Gray)

"I miss Yuna." I heard Jay mumble and I can only chuckle. He doesn't know that I texted Yuna earlier if she could stop by our company and she said yes.

"I know right." I said and Jay looks at me.

"Can you text her to come here or something?" Jay looks at me and I shake my head.

"Hey, we might be cousins but I can't just asked her to come anytime." I said and Jay went quiet. At the same time, someone knocked the door and I immediately face my back towards Jay's.

"Jay, open the door." I said while trying to hide my laughter.


Seonghwa called me to hangout and I arrived infront of his studio in his company building.

The door opens to see Jay who was widening his eyes.

"Hello, Jay oppa." I said with a smile and he just stood frozen, then he move aside.

"Did you come here or...?" Jay looks at me then to Seonghwa.

"Oh, Seonghwa texted me to come here and hangout." I said and Jay look towards Seonghwa.

"Aish, this.. The place is alittle messy." Jay said while clearing the place. I just chuckle and sat on the sofa.

"After this, can we go to the club?" Seonghwa said and I look towards Jay.

"Why?" Jay asked and Seonghwa looks at us.

"I really need to find inspiration." Seonghwa said and Jay immediately nodded.

"Are you okay with it, Yuna?" Jay asked and I nodded.

"I went there a few times already."


"Hey, if you get scared or anything, just hold onto my arm." Jay whispered onto my ears after entering the club and I nodded.

Though I went to clubs alot of times, that was long ago. My hands automatically hold onto Jay arms. He tightens the grip as we walk past some people, dancing here and there.

We stop at a table and I sat in the middle of Jay and Seonghwa. Soon, a waitress came and the guys ordered coke.

"What would you like miss?" The waitress made eye contact with me and I blink, and when I open my mouth, no words came out.

"Just plain water will do." Seonghwa answered for me and the waitress smiled towards me.

"She's cute and innocent too." The waitress commented before leaving. Jay scooted near me.

"You don't look good." Jay said and I shake my head, smiling alittle.

"Aniyo, oppa. I'm good." I said and Jay nodded.

Seonghwa's phone rang and he immediately leave the table. It must be an important call.

"We could go home, you know." Jay said while looking around, looking unsatisfied.

"It's okay, oppa. Really." I said while I put my hands together, already sweating. What's wrong with me today.

"Really? Do you like going to clubs?" Jay looks at me and I look around.

"I did. But now, not anymore." I said and he nodded, but still making eye contact with me. At the same time, his phone vibrated and he frowns.

"Can you wait here? I have to answer a call. Don't go anywhere okay?" Jay said and he went somewhere. And I am left alone.

I was looking around and suddenly, a guy seated beside me.

"Are you alone?" He asked and he was looking at me, up and down. Damn, that felt uncomfortable.

"No, my 2 guy friends are here with me." I said plainly and the guy looks around.

"Really? But nobody is here now."

"Yeah, they are answering some calls." I said, hinting him with my voice in annoyance..

"Oh, then I could give you some company." He said and I was looking around.

"So... what is cute and innocent lady doing here?"

I close my eyes and gulp down in annoyance. I was already clenching my jaws, trying not to say mean things.

I just smile awkwardly. "I just came to accompany my 2 friends."

"Well, your friends are idiots for leaving a cute girl like you. You're pretty and you have a sexy body too." He said while looking at me and I was trying my best not to gawk over him.

"Look, I appreciate you being nice but I'm not interested." I deadpanned him and he was smirking this time. Where the hell are they?

"Oh, c'mon. I'm sure you came here to get laid." The guy is seriously testing my nerves and I stood up but he grabbed my hand, really tight. He even tighten the grip and my eyes were already forming tears.

"C'mon let's have some fun. Your friends are probably fucking with other girls right now." The guy said while trying to pull me away. I frowned at him for saying that. Jay and Seonghwa is not the types of people. Yes they have fun in clubs, but thier fun means just dancing with the guys and make cringy jokes.

His grip was different than Jay.

"Let go." I said while struggling away from his grip. But the more I move, his grip tightens. Really.

"C'mon. Let's have some fun." The guy said while trying to drag me away. I was already groaning in pain, when suddenly, my other hand was being pulled and my body crash into someones.

My eyes then look towards the person and it was Jay himself. He was looking at me forawhile and his gaze turn towards the guy.

"Get the fuck away from her or I will rip your throat off." Jay said, his voice rose alittle.

"Who are you?" The guy asked while slowly letting go of my hand, and my hand automatically hold onto Jay.

"Who am I? I'm her boyfriend ofcourse." Jay said confidently while hugging me, his hands on my waist.

The guy was looking up and down on me again.

"Oh really? She looks like she is enjoying herself." The man said and Jay scoffed.

"God, you're fucking dumb as fuck. Who the hell looks at a girl like that? Nobody would even wanna date you man. Don't you ever look at a girl that way." Jay said while dragging me away.

"Let's go home. I can't stand it anymore." Jay said while still holding onto me.

"How about Seonghwa oppa?" I whispered and Jay looks at me.

"I'll text him later okay? Let's go to your apartment." Jay said as he led me to his car.

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