Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Because he didn't deserve it." Pete said simply.
"Why not?"

"He was being pathetic."
"How?" Patrick asked.

"He couldn't take a simple order."
"To be quiet?"

"Do you think that maybe it's because he wasn't expecting the monster to come out? I know with every blow you landed on his body, you felt twice the pain."

"He's a good slut Pat. He knows that if I say stay quiet, monster or no monster he should."
"He was full of pleasure and wasn't fully in subspace."

"You weren't there Patrick, his eyes were glossed over he was that deep."
"He was crying."

Pete growled under his breath, "Even outside the bedroom, I tell him to shut up and he does. You can't explain this away Patrick, he's pathetic."
"He's scared you'll hurt him. Just like Dani's afraid of M-Martin." Patrick hated saying that name.

"So why didn't he fucking behave himself?"
"It's a thing he can't control... Pete, it's Mikey. You love him."

Pete's eyes were clouded with anger, "I could never love a pathetic little slut like him."

Mikey squeaked from the top of the stairs. Pete heard the sound and sighed, unpausing his show. Mikey covered his mouth, having felt so stupid for thinking Pete meant to hurt...he'd never hurt Mikey on purpose.

"He deserves the pain for not being able to follow the one command apart from not to cum I give him most." Pete said, making it obvious the conversation was finished by turning his show up. Patrick sighed, sitting back.

Mikey called from upstairs, "S-Sir, may I come down?"
"Yes. I want you knelt at my feet." Pete called back.

Mikey came down, kneeling at Pete's feet. Pete smirked. Mikey obeyed him now he'd felt the bite of the cane against his ass again. Mikey smiled up at him. Pete completely ignored him, more interested in RuPaul and the drama that was happening between the queens. Patrick rolled his eyes, reaching over to stroke Mikey's hair and earning a snarl from Pete. Mikey flinched.

"Bitches have to be trained Patrick, how dare you undermine me."
"He deserves fuss Pete, you put him through hell today."

"I haven't suspended him by his feet yet."

"No, Patrick."

Mikey lowered his head.

Patrick got up and turned the TV off, "Mikey, hands and knees for me sweetheart."
"Michael I swear if you-"

"I won't let him punish you sweetie."

Mikey was scared, but he did as Patrick requested.

Patrick rubbed his back reassuringly, "Pete, he has cuts in his ass from that cane. Sweetie turn around so Sir can see your tummy."

Mikey turned so his stomach was showing.

Patrick gently pressed just above the whip marks, feeling tender bruising, "And this won't fade for a good couple weeks, maybe more."
"Fine, you may fuss him."

Mikey smiled.

He hugged the sub, retaking his seat on the sofa and motioning for Mikey to sit between his feet and Pete's, knowing Pete wouldn't let him on the couch yet. Mikey sat between the two. Patrick played with Mikey's hair, accidentally tugging it whenever he found a knot. Mikey would let out soft whimper.

Patrick smiled at him, "It's getting late."
Mikey looked over at Pete, "Da- Sir, m-may I have a snack?"

"Fine." Pete said after receiving a warning glare from Patrick.
"P-Patty, can you get it?"

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