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"Tell us a story, Grandma!", the little girl with the dark brown hair said and jumped out of excitement on her bed.

Leila had to laugh.

"Which story would you like to hear?"

"Our favorite one!", cheered her twin brother.

"And which one could that be?", already knowing the answer, Leila smiled at her grandchildren.

"The legend of the witch and the werewolf!", both kids said in unison.

"Alright. But only if you two are in bed right away."

Immediately both of them disappeared under their blankets.

She has absolutely no idea how her daughter and mate could keep up with this every day - and night - but she still is so proud of them.

"So, according to the legend there were two families. One curse on both of them. Every other centuries there will be born a girl and a boy. The girl with hair as withe as snow and eyes as blue as sapphire. The boy with dark brown almost black hair and the same extraordinary eyes. They were soulmates from the first day on. Their curse is, for them to find each other in every life and die before they can even share the same bed. However, after nearly three thousand years it should be different. They would find each other and be happy until the end. But not without a few problems to solve first on their way.", with big blue eyes her grandchildren watch Leila.

The twins want to hear this story over and over again. Every day before they go to sleep. Without, they can't sleep.

And I die every time a bit more inside.

Even though the sleeping and peaceful looking faces of her grandchildren ease these feelings almost away.

But only almost.

"Tell us how it all had begun.", asks the little boy with the white hair.

With a small smile on her lips she begins:

"Every time it starts with a dream..."


Hey Guys (and Ladies!),
my name is Julia and I'm currently 19 years old.
I'm from Germany and I write stories for 5 years now, so I think I'm ready to publish a few of them.
Well, I hope you have fun reading them and will laugh, cry and be angry with me throughout all my stories.
I'm very curious about your feedback!


Also I want to thank xLycae. She helped me translate my story into a proper English so more of you can read it (and I get more feedback ^^).

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