Chapter One

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Hey there!

This is the first chapter of my book and please be gentle! I am from germany and i hope my english ain't that bad ^^

So have fun reading my beloved story and if you want leave a comment or vote!

- J

Chapter One

She had that dream again.

The one where she found herself looking down on a athletic field. The men down there were just stretching and warming up their muscles. And God had she a good look at all these men with just a skirt on.

Yeah you read right.

Just a skirt.

Nothing else.

Looking down on herself she noticed she wore a white dress with feathers and pearls. Hearing a laugh from beside her she looked up and realized she was surrounded by women also dressed in white. Looking further she saw just men. The women sat on a restricted area.

She snorted.

They must have never heard of equal rights.

Disgusted she brought her attention back to the field. Just in that second a really hot guy walked into her sight. Like the others he wore just a skirt and sandals.

He was tall. At least 18 years old. And his body. Let's just say she could drool all over him. With broad shoulders, a muscular upper body and more than defined abs.


His thick blond hair topped it off.

Until she saw his eyes.

These eyes that burned into her soul. These beautiful deep sea blue eyes.

And all the love she saw in his eyes was just overwhelming and kept her in a trance until one of the women poked her and gave her an angry glance.

"Who is he?", she asked hesitating.

"That's Agatós, he is one of the competitor in the chariot race.", the dark haired women told her as it would be the most unimportant thing in the world.

"I think I've lost something as I walked up here. I'm going to look for it.", she gave a little smile to the woman. The woman returned it and she nodded quickly before turning back to the field.

She caught his gaze and Agatós nodded as if he understood.

Her dream-self turned and walked down the dusty stairs made of heavy yellow stones.

In a dark corner they met and as soon as he laid eyes on her, she felt his strong arms surrounding her small frame.

Like every time she felt save and loved in his presence. Also she knew deep in her soul that she could trust him with her live.

Her body couldn't wait and she practically threw herself into his arms.

He pulled a bit back, so he could look into her eyes. Their faces were just millimeters apart. Their noses nearly touching. She had the distinct feeling to move a bit closer so their lips would finally collide and she could kiss him. Though he stopped her with that deep and scratchy voice of his.

"You can't risk this now.", her facial expression must have spoken of confusion because he continued. "You just received your title as a priestess and it wouldn't be right of me to tempt you like that. And I sure as hell will not be watching as you get killed because of one kiss!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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