Chapter 1-(EDITING)

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The air was surrounded with a warm, cool breeze.From outside, Zara could hear the soft laughs of the children running around and playing outside. Zara was in the kitchen kneading and rolling bread for breakfast while her aunt Taznim swept the kitchen floor.It had been a year since she'd been sent away to live with her Aunt.Her parents had told her that she was 'just going to stay with her Aunt for a while'. She had asked why but was given a feeble excuse.

Every day she hoped her parents would turn up,arms open,however, a year and a half went by and Zara's parents still hadn't returned.She couldn't understand why her parents would just leave her without a proper reason.

"Zara dear, could you fetch me some water?"

Her aunt asked, cutting Zara off from her thoughts.

'Yes Aunty' she replied tightening her silky white scarf around her head.

The well was not far off from Zara's home,just a couple of minutes away. As soon as she reached the well,Zara began lowering the bucket for water. She was sitting on the edge of the well,but somehow within a matter of seconds she'd slipped and fallen into the well.

"Oh Great." she muttered.

"How on earth am I going to get out of here now?"

Zara said whilst sighing.She waited for a few moments,seeing if anyone would find her. Some time went by,hours, and Zara was still in the well.


'Hello?" she cried again.

"Hello?...' she cried one last time,but to her avail no one came. So she waited and waited. The warm sun was sitting on the horizon and it was getting late.

"Come on Khalid, I told you already I am not getting married. I don't care how many times...

'Hello...,is anyone there?' Zara shouted,cutting Zayn off from his speech."

She heard a few shuffles,before two heads popped up from the top of the well.

"Well Well Well,...what do we have here?"

asked in his smooth masculine voice,his olive eyes boring into Zara's.

'If we take her to the market,we could get a fortune for her.' Khalid,Zayn's brother exclaimed in awe.

Zara looked at the both of them in confusion.

"Um do you helping me up?"

"Yes of course." Zayn replied,smiling

Finally Zara thought. As soon as she was out of the well,she brushed herself off and threwshe thanked the both of them.


Zayn replied. But before she could go anywhere Zayn grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder.

"Excuse me! Can you put me down?!"

"I need to get home,its almost dark!"

she shouted, arms flailing whilst trying to kick him.

"Oo,fiesty,I like it."

making Zara shiver in disgust.

'Your coming with me....' was the last thing she heard.


A/N:I'm so sorry for the long wait. I've been super busy This chapter is un-edited so there might be some mistakes.

xx Hayley xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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