The figure

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Chris's POV

Her eyes glanced up they were pale blue and her hair hang loosely around her pale blood stained face.

She stared at me then whispered softly "Who were they...the man and women who took me...." I stared and replied "" We talked and learned her name was Emily and my parents were bored with hurting me and had simplely took her from the near by park.

The girl had the perfect family amd was obviously frightened. I smiled at her and understand how she felt. She knew what I was going through and I knew I could trust her. She was kind friendly.....everything I wasn't used to.... The next mourning i woke early and felt myself being dragged outside and before I knew it I was stood at Kate's side. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled as she smiled and her hair looked light and puffy. She was perfect beautiful and she liked me....I smiled as we set off to school just talking about any old rubbish. I couldnt understand half the converstion I was too busy staring at her. I caught her eyes glance at me a few times but I was sure she didnt like me that way.....I hope she does.....but deep down I know it's we neared school I moved away from her.

I saw Danny coming up the path towards us and felt the impact of his fist as it hit my face. But to my surprise i felt my body being pulled up and away from Danny. I saw hands around my waist as they tried to drag me away from him. I glanced up and saw Kate's face.

Danny snarled and Shouted "Kate's now offically a geek" All heads turned and I felt myself slump to the ground as I heard cruel laughs. The bell chimed and people shoved Kate to the ground and then dashed to their lessons. Blood dripped from her red lips and without any thought my lips were on hers and the sweet taste of her lips mixed with blood entered my mouth. It was bitter sweet and perfect. Slowly,she pulled away and helped me to my feet. And smiled.

All through lessons my eyes landed on her and a few times i caught her looking at me. Everytime she blushed bright red. At break noone even called me singal name or even bothered me but as I turned the corner towards the science block I saw the group of "Populars". That's when I noticed that in the centre of them was a figure laying in the middle of them. They were hurtling insults at the figure on the floor. As soon as they moved way i caught a glance of the figure. Blood clung to her blonde hair. And a sudden shock hit me. It was Kate. I rushed over and pulled her to her feet. I wiped away most the blood with my jumper sleeve. And I released that something was different her smile was sad hwr eyes had lost there gleam and her face looked paler then usaul.

I followed her all day to check noone gave her a hard time and made sure she was safe on the way home. My key slipped into the my door and it swung open. A hard hand grabbed me around my shoulder and i was thrown down a flight of stairs. I lay there pain filling my body. I heard a glass smash and feet hammering down the stairs. I felt a stab of pain in my arm as my farther pushed the knife deeper and deeper into it. Finally he left and I slipped into a restless sleep. Emily lay in the corner quietly trying not to get noticed...

Kate's POV

Today was awful. I walked to school with Chris as usaul and I was caught in his eyes. As we neared school I saw Danny aproach us.....He hit Chris in the face. Chris fell to the ground in a heap I threw my arms aroung his waist and tried to drag him to his feet. That's when i was hit from behind.I stumbled and fell to the ground hitting my mouth off the pavement. I heard the school bell chime and saw people rush towards class. I tried to drag myself to my feet but before I knew it Chris's lips were against mine and all I could taste was the sweetness of his lips. After I pulled myself to my feet and helped Chris up. We hurried to lesson. My eyes drifted onto him a few times but I am sure noone noticed. The bell rang for break and I walked towards the science block thats when i was shoved forwards. I landed onto the ground.And rolled. Danny was standing above me with the other popular kids. Thats when my eyes landed on three figures....Jenna,Mia and Erin were stood there. Joining in....They were meant to be my bffs.....meant to stand up for me.....My heart pounded....Why......They werent my friends. I vanished these thoughts and as soon as they were gone Chris rushed over and helped me clean up. That night we walked home together and I knew I liked him .....more then a friend....As I went in my house I waved at him . As soon as I was in my room with the door locked I cried....My bffs....Didnt like me at friends were fake....I only could trust two people....myself and least he will always be there for me.....I hope......

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