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My heart raced as my hand tapped on the wooden door Chris's mum answered with a sad smile I stared at her and said "Chris was my best friend he was more then that to me he was perfect and I know that he would never do anything that would hurt me this much....why did he do it....do you know....?" She watched me and shook her head slowly then spoke "we must go to court now dear or we will be late.....please tell them everything you know." I nodded shyly and got into her car as we sped away to the court

It felt like hours until I was called to the witness box I spoke confidently "I was probably Chris's best friend we talked about everything and he protected me there is no way he could ever have killed anyone not even him self" the jury stared at me then one asked

" did he have any .... Problems you knew about" Sweat started to trickle down my for head and I replied as calmly as I could "some boys teased him but he never seemed to care and it was just stupid and petty "

I heard whispers and then the judge told me to take my seat after hours of debating the judge finally concluded " Chris is no longer with us but because of this terrible crime he committed he will not be buried near anyone he cares about and will not be allowed a grave stone. "Tears spilled from my eyes he was being punished for something he never did.....

2 days later........

I haven't spoke since the trail I don't want to speak I don't want to feel that sort of pain again. I don't want to talk about how I'm feeling and I don't ever want to love anyone again it brings to much heartache .

Most days I go to the grave yard and slump against the old oak tree Chris is buried next to it but by now it was hard to tell. There was nothing to show he was there and I knew many people had started forgetting him already . His family was so "upset " and they couldn't bare to live without a child so they had adopted a young girl called Lilly ......but there's something strange about her....shes only lived there a day and she already seems at home......but she's quite weird her eyes are always blank and distant.......

I sat against the tree for hours before I saw Lilly walk up to me I smiled and she sat next to me.....she whispered "you loved him" I looked at her she was six but I could see the heart break in her eyes and the sorrow that her smile held . I saw a bruise on her arm and without a second thought I asked "What happened to your arm ? Does it hurt? " Suddenly I saw fear a light in her eyes and she looked at me. And said softly "you can tell no one this or I will be sent back or I'll end up like......Chris " I stared at her confused and she slowly and cleanly said "his parents killed him and Emily .......they abused them.....have you ever wondered why Chris has bruises all up his arm......and If I'm not careful I'll end up like them to you can nether tell anyone this or I will die" I stared as I tried to catch my breath I gasped and lurched forwards as I vomited.....Chris....why didn't you tell me? My mind screamed and I stared down at Lilly I would not let them hurt her I had only knew her 24 hours but i knew I had to help her.

I wanted to protect her she was so young so helpless just like Chris I stood and pulled Lilly to her feet. She looked startled but I didn't give her chance to be scared I dragged her to my house and shouted loudly "MUM. Help . Chris didn't do it and I have proof" my mum came quickly. (She loved Chris like a son and knew just like me that Chris would never hurt a soul) Lilly's eyes filled with fear and I said "tell her we won't let you come to any harm" Lilly told mum what happened and then she told the police. I stared at her and smiled at her bravery and I saw mum loved her already to. Chris's parents were sentenced to life for murderer and we placed a grave stone where he had died.

1 year later...

Sometimes I still remember Chris .....but life goes on Chris would have wanted to make the most of it and not be sad but I know they'll always be a empty spot in my heart where he used to be...I laughed as I helped my little sis place the head onto our snowman.....I stared at my sister with loving eyes and she stared back with her happy carefree eyes and said "I love you. You are the perfect sister. " my smile grew and I replied " I love you to Lilly and I'll never let you get hurt again. No matter what people say you are my real sister maybe not be DNA but you and me are family and I will love you forever " (we had only been sisters for a year and already I trusted with my life ) she smiled and said "like you loved Chris. " Pain rippled thorough my heart as I wrapped my arms around my sister and we laughed as we ran inside to grab a carrot for our snowman's nose........

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