chapter 8

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Janiya's p.o.v

After every thing was done and said sally came up to me and imani and said can I have a ride then slendy said then the slenderman said sally stop pestering the girls but slendy no buts now go watch tv or something she sighed then quickly she turned to me and imani and said will finish this important conversation later I giggled and nodded my head, and she went up stairs I guessing she didn't go watch t.v. because jeff yelled out of no where sally leave my god damn hair alone then I heard her laugh. jack then said him and ben are going somewhere me and imani nodded and they left we DIDN'T want to be bored so we went upstairs when we got upstairs imani said so night what you wanna do,night is my nick name imani gave me that we haven't used since we were kids I looked at her and smiled I don't know what do you want to do storm, storm is the nick name I gave her, well storm thinkin we should watch some peiwdipie she said I then said yeah that's the shit brotha hellz yeah it is she said wr then started watching peiwdipie.when we were done it was my turn to pick what to do so I cut on the music, chop chop choppin you up ima monster hahaha eat you up like a cannibal spit you out like an animal ,blood on the dance floor blasted through the speakers we got on the bed jumping up and down then we started singing along oh no they be hatin us cuz were glamorous they be hatin us cuz I'm fabulous can't stop once I started baby got me retarded , slice slice slice you up ima monster hahaha cut you up I'll slice and dice serve you up as cold as ice, we sang then all of a sudden ben and jack came back drunk as hell.this isss myy sooong brooo ben said as he came in then jack came in and he just fell on the floor help I shrunk call the slendy man I need help he said then me and imani burst out into laughter slendy came in and he said what the hell are you to drunk they shook there head and ben said no I'm not drunk I'm fabulous then he started modeling doing struts acting like he was on a run way, jack then said work it then they both kust blacked out and went to sleep. wow I said storm turned the music off and we went down stairs, I grabbed my chain saw and imani grabbed her axe sally came up to us and said were you goin imani said killin then she jumped up and down sating can I come pleeeeease then I said sure thing hun just go get your jacket , kk she said I put on my mask that covers my mouth and put my trench coat on I also had a skirt with knee high socks and a bvb shirt with a vest over it, imani had one of those little red riding hood coats on with black skinny jeans and a botdf shirt we both had combat boots. when sally got her coat we left the house ready to kill

Imani's p.o.v

Me janiya and sally walked out the door into the night we got to the road and went to the park we wanted to see sally kill so we sat back and watched her in action. she went on the swing and started fake crying which looked really real , a girl came up to her and ask sally what was wrong sally then said i -i lost my mommy then the naive girl said I'll help you ,Sally then nodded, and while we are waiting can we play a game sure thing what's your name the girl said sally and before the girl could say any thing else sally started counting the girl said I guess were playing hide n seek she ran and hid some where in the tree and as soon as she did sally teleported to where she hid and then got out a knife the girl screamed and sally said that was fun let's play again some time then she slit her throat. when sally was done she came back over to us and me and janiya said that was awsome sally really epic sally then bowed and said thank you. me and janiya was about to kill then we saw some people from our group forbbiden past time and one of those people was the boy janiya used to date we were about to run till janiya's ex grabbed her arm this isn't good at all I thought

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