chapter 14

121 9 7


I arrived at the mansion then boom

out of no were a black tentacle shot out the window of the huge manor and grabbed my leg. "you what are you doing on my property" a static like voice spoke, "I can't tell him while I'm really here it would blow my cover" I thought to myself ooh I know what to do I can act all innocent", um I- I'm here because I need a place to stay you see m- my mother is a witch and she w-was trying to protect me from a bunch of b-bad people who where trying to attack us". after you said that the tentacle pulled closer so that I was face to face, well face to no face with a tall ball headed man with a suit and a blood red tie, "the slenderman" I thought, mmhm, the pale faced skinny man sighed "well I suppose you can stay but if you mess up one thing you will be killed by me is that understood" he said I nodded my head, "good, ok child what is your name, oh my name is (y/n) I said with a fake smile, oh well (y/n) I am slenderman, "when you get to know me better you can start calling me slender" now let me show you the room you'll be staying in for the time being, "ok slenderman sir", he put you down and you fixed your (h/l), (h/c) hair back into place, " uhg I hope this doesn't take long I just want to go back home to axle", he is the only reason I'm doing all this I've liked axle for the longest but he's to attached to janiya to even notice me", what does she have that I don't". we arrived in the house and let me tell you it looked way better on the inside then on the outside, it was two black couches in the family room, red walls a t.v. hanging on the wall, with a PlayStation 4, and a xbox 360, with a Nintendo 64, it was like video game heaven, and there was a island kitchen, and black fuzzy carpet, and a lot more. Okay (y/n) let me show you your, room we went upstairs and found a door, opened it and there it was, (f/c) walls with

(a/c)(any color), fuzzy carpet, and a (a/c) bed with a black t.v., I looked at the room and it wasn't bad everything seemed okay, as I was taking in the scenery of my new so called room slenderman said " why your looking at things I'm going to be in my office attending business call me if you are in need of anything, and with that he left, I sighed then flopped on the bed it won't hurt to take a nap before I get started with the orders I was given, with that I drifted off into sleep.

flash back dream::::::::::::::::::

hey over here (y/n) a young axle yelled to you, "okay coming" you said putting the last piece of the bead on the bracelet you where making for axle, you two were only

9 years old and you had a huge crush on axle and he wasn't aware of it, so you were making each other bracelets, your bracelet said together and axles said forever and you just finished them today. tomorrow is the day, you thought "I'm finally going to tell axle how I feel", you heard footsteps coming up the stairs and in popped in axle,

you quickly put the bracelets in a little box and said " I was coming, couldn't you just wait a minute", "uhg but you where taking to long" axle sighed, "okay I'm coming" you got up walked over to your pillow and slid the box underneath it then walked over to axle, "let's go" you said already knowing were you was going, he followed and grabbed your hand in the were running to see who could get there first and so far axle was in the lead so you picked up a rock and threw it at his leg he stopped for a moment and just like lightning you flashed by him and beat him, you stopped at a tree that had axle and (y/n) carved into it and there, was a ladder that lead to a tree house, axle came up to you and flicked you on the head you turned around for a second but turned forward again when you didn't see anything, but when you turned forward you saw axle already at the top of the tree house, you climbed up the ladder and got inside the tree house, when you did so you and axle started watching movies you had in there and the movie that you both liked was (f/m)

(favorite movie), so that's what you watched by the time the movie was done you heard someone call you both it was ryder axles mentor he was 28 years old, as soon as you heard him you and axle left the tree house and went back home. when you got there ryder said he wanted to show us some people, he also said there around you guys age, he got done telling us and then shouted some names, "JANIYA, IMANI COME HERE I HAVE SOME PEOPLE I WANT YOU TO MEET" okay father coming, not long after two girls came running down stairs, one had brown long hair and the other had long dirty blond hair, when they got down the stairs, ryder then said these are my daughter's, this is imani, he said pointing to the one with blond hair, and this is janiya, he said pointing to the one with the brown hair, the one known as janiya had red eyes and imani had black eyes. when ryder was done talking the girls said hi, then you and axle said hi back, axle shook imani's hand then shook janiya's hand then hugged her, I looked at axle shocked but stopped when imani said you wanna play dolls with me, before I had time to answer she dragged me up stairs, I looked back and saw janiya and axle running outside while holding hands. a few minutes later while playing dolls with imani she fell asleep so I snuck outside, I couldn't find axle or janiya so I went to the tree house, when I got there I looked were are name's where carved but stopped when I saw it said, janiya, axle and (y/n) tree house, "but axle and I agreed it was just going to be our tree house, I climbed up the ladder and suddenly wished I hadn't there I saw a girl in a white sun dress laying on axles chest both of them asleep in each other's arm's, I ran out the tree house and started to cry, that day I new I would always hate janiya.

creepypasta love~<3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin