•[ Online World ]•

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~{ Will's POV }~

The bell rang.
I scurried out of that classroom because all I wanted to do was go home.

My day wasn't bad but I really just wanted to get online with my friends.

I was about to walk out of school when something tapped my shoulder.
A confused looked crossed my face as I turned around revealing Sydney.

"Hey," Sydney said.

"Hi," I responded nervous as heck.

"I was wondering if I could get your number so we could chat sometime. You seem pretty cool," she said.

WHAT! What girl on any planet would ever want MY number!? I'm so awkward and weird. I never thought this would happen.

"Yeah, umm sure, oh and thanks.. you too."

We exchanged phones. I added Will to her contacts.
I gave her her phone and she gave me mine.

"Thanks," she said with a smile across her face.

"No problem," I responded

I rush to my car and get in.

Ugh. I probably looked so strange and surprised. If she ever did like me, she probably doesn't anymore.

•Magical Time Skip•

I arrive at my house.
I walk around all the boxes on the floor and head straight for my room.
I hop on my computer and go straight to team speak.
Graser was on.

"Hey bud. How you doing?," I said.

"Hey. I'm doing fine. Hop on the cube!," he says.

I go on the cube and we play till 6:00.
I managed to record two videos.
I get off team speak and start editing them.

Sydney pops into my mind. I start thinking about her.

I wonder if she actually does like me?

AN- Hey you guys. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Leave a comment if you like it or have any suggestions. I decided to do a quote for each chapter, it might not relate to it just saying.

"Everything happens for a reason."

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and goodbye!

A Different Kind ♡Where stories live. Discover now