Chapter 20

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I stop in front of a giant door that consisted of weird designs. This must be it. I thought. Once I grab the handle, I dramatically opened the door and found a woman. A woman whom I have known for years and the woman who I deeply cared about was right here before my eyes, sitting down on a golden, luxurious chair being surrounded by other vampires who glared at me.

My expression outside stayed the same but I was breaking down in the inside. Questions flooding through my head but I tried to be calm as I held the tears back, "I was expecting you." Said my stepmother, "Yes. I came here to talk to you about the situation." I looked at her with a calm expression.
"What is there to talk about?"
"Please, do not try to kill my family nor me. We have done nothing to you and in return we won't harm you."
"Nothing? You and the other royals make us other vampires weak. No one wants to be weak! You guys existence is a hindrance to all of the vampires. Do not speak as if you know."
I snapped. Her words were words of someone who seeks reputation and power and I hated that. I clench my fist and slowly stepped forward.
"Weak? Oh but there's always the weak and the strong. There are those who are born with power and those who fights for their power. Which one do you think you are? It is your existence that puts many vampires to trouble. AND YOUR EXISTENCE THAT US, INCLUDING ME CANNOT HAVE A PEACEFUL LIFE!" I yelled as my yelling cause the other vampires to attack me.

I lost control yet I was in control.

Two boys and two girls attacked me from above with those purely red eyes that symbolized blood. The thirst for blood, "Fool..." I whispered.
"Your eyes..." I heard my step mother say as she stood up from her seat.

I quickly vanished from my spot and appeared next to my step mother, "You chose the wrong path mother." I whispered to her while she swing her sharp nails at me as I allowed her to slightly cut my face.
"Kill her!" She commanded the others.
The two girls grab both my arms as I did nothing but wonder what they were going to do until the other two boys prepared themselves to swing their fist at me, "That's not very nice." I said, pulling my arms causing the two girls to fall and crash to each other while I kicked the boys with no struggles at all.

"Enough." I commanded the four vampires as they stop moving, "W-whats going on?" The girl panicked, still unable to move as I began walking towards them. I grab the girls chin and made her stare into my eyes, "You will not go against me." I told the girl twice as she repeated after, "I will not go against you."

The others feared me when they witness the girl obey me, "Your commands does not work against me. I do not fear you." My step mother stood up and gave me no warning before she started attacking me furiously. Like a snake attacking a rat, "Do you really think you can settle everything with violence?!" I yelled while dodging her attacks.
"Shut up!!" She yelled.
"What will you get from this after killing us? Reputation? There are still people who will oppose you and are stronger, there is no difference!" I kept yelling and this time I try to attack now. Though something was off.
"I SAID SHUT UP!" She punch me hard enough to sent me flying to the wall while my leg was pierced by the sharp edge of the candle holder, "O-oww" I winced in pain.

For a second, my mother seemed guilty and my heart shook at her expression. I stood up and forcefully take out the sharp stake out of my leg as it tremendously bleed, spreading all over my left leg. We continued fighting and fighting but both of us we're reaching our limit. I spend my last remaining strength on the one punch I'm about to throw at her.

My step mother received my punch well and sent her flying to the wall but the other vampires grabbed a hold of my arm and dragged me somewhere. I had no strength so I couldn't fight back. They threw me inside a cell and chained me up tightly as if I was a beast stuck inside a cage.

As hours passed, I felt completely weak. Something has been casted on this chain, making me useless. To regain my strength I decided to sleep.


I abrutply stood up from my bed as my step mother knocked on my door then slowly opening it, "Honey wake up, you have school. I'll drop you off today."  Said my step mom.

As I did my usual morning routine to go to school I also wondered why I was here. Perhaps.... everything was just a dream? Yes, that must be it. A dream.
Once my mom dropped me off at school, I felt different.

Walking to my class, the popular girls laugh excitedly to the good-looking jocks. I sometimes wonder how school became a place to find love rather than education. Just seeing those type of people who flirts in front of people makes me want to lecture them.
"Hey bro isn't that Lily over there?" I heard the jocks whisper to one another as they gave me a smirk. I simply look away and tried to avoid the situation which I managed to do well since the teacher came but once class ended I was unable to get away.

"Hey Lily!" Max pinned me against the school lockers as Veronica witnessed the moment from afar, shocked.
"What?" I ask, not in a rude way but in a tired voice, "There's a party tonight at my house, you should come." He inched his face closer but I pushed him away. I could feel everyones eyes stuck on us and from now on i'll be the center of attention.
"Max, thank you for inviting me. I'll go tonight but please let me go, I have to go to the library." I said.
"Library?" He chuckles, "alright, but make sure you dress sexy tonight."
I nod my head as I began walking towards the library, secretly panicking.

Why does it feel so different here...?



What do you want for Christmas?

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