Extra 1 - Carden in love

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I lay down at the open field where no one was around since it was class hours. Looking up the clear sky, it somewhat reminded me of my childhood friends. Looking back, I feel like I was a bigger flirt than now. Hah, maybe the people I'm surrounded with now are not as fun. Why am I even hanging out with those boring-life-royals? Seriously.

Because you love them.

A voice echoed inside my head as I wave it off, "Ahhh!" I said in a frustrated tone as I began heading towards the infirmary. I was in no mood to deal with a teacher's scolding or else I might rip their throat apart so I use my vampire speed.

"Mrs. Kailen! It's good to see you again!" I said with a joyous tone, arriving in front of the infirmary in no time.
"Carden, what is it this time? Are you ditching class again?" She laughs and adjust her glasses. I took slow steps forward and placed my hand down her desk.

"I don't think I can live without seeing those beautiful eyes of yours." I whisper, taking off her glasses and winking after. She laughs for the second time and puts her glasses back on, "Alright Carden that's enough. Go back to class."

"Mrs. Kailen, my stomach really hurts when I can't see your eyes... especially that neck." I whisper the last sentence.

She sighs and gestured me to the room, "Alright go. Go." She shoo's me as I gave her a quick wink with my index finger and middle finger saluting, to add some cheesiness, just like how other girls like.

When I arrived inside the dark room that consisted of three beds, I lay down next to a girl who seemed to be in pain. She was sweating excessively and you could hear her breaths as it she couldn't breathe well, "What happened to a beautiful princess like you?" I questioned, the words naturally coming out on it's own though I never regretted it.

"Leave me alone. I don't like flirty guys." She rejected me. For a moment, those words were something new so I was shocked but my confidence came back right away.

"I can't possibly leave a hurting princess." I say. The word 'princess' naturally adds itself on my sentence.
She gets up and glares at me, "You just flirted with the nurse. You think my heart is shook by a player like you? In your dreams!" She aggressively turn her head away from me.

Her words struck me for a moment until she attempted to walk away but miserably failed and collapsed though I easily caught her. Her body was warm and her forehead was sweaty as she breathed heavily. Her right hand was gripping onto her shirt tightly.

"Mrs. Kailen!" I yelled.

She immediately appeared and gasp when she saw the girl in front of me trying to gasp for air. I felt bad for the girl so much that I wanted to turn her but it would probably be much worst and cruel if I did.

Mrs. Kailen hands her a drink and a medicine as she shakily grasp the cup and drink, "Carden, don't let her talk and make sure to assist her when she needs something."
But isn't that your job?

"Yes I'll do that." I responded, unable to argue in this situation. What a troublesome girl. Today sure is hectic.

"Thank you." She says.

"Don't talk." I look at her only to find her asleep. Her face looked more calm now. I stood up deciding to abandon the troublesome task but before leaving the room, I take one last glance at her. Once afterschool came, I met up with Lily, Edward, Victoria and Allen. "You don't seem as energetic. What happened to you?" Lily asked. It took me a moment to answer her question

"A girl I met earlier bummed me. I couldn't even ask for her name." I said truthfully though the last sentence came out without even an intention of saying it. Now that I think about it, what was her name? It's because of her sickness that I couldn't talk to her. But what was wrong with her? Was her fever that high for her to be receiving medicines like that? Ahh whatever, all this thinking is hurting my head. "Carden?" Victoria waves her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Yeah?" I cleared my throat as I realized myself sitting down and the waitress waiting for my order, "Just a water for now please" I said as everyone stared at me shockingly, "What?" I questioned, raising a brow, "What happened to you? Why didn't you ask for her number?" Lily says.

"Was I supposed to get her number?"

"No but it's what you usually do. This is the first."

I sent Lily the 'are you serious' look but I let it go and looked out the window. I was inside the café with these boring royals and we often go in this café whenever we go home but it was the first time I looked out the window because I would always flirt with the maids. I was never the type to do these kinds of things like a lonely man but maybe that girl's words struck me?

Speaking of the girl, I saw her walking at the sidewalk, coughing uncontrollably. I abruptly stood up receiving stares from the others but I ignored it, "I gotta go guys!" I yell and ran outside, catching up to the girl. I grab her shoulder, "Hey" I said. She turns around to look and shot me a disapproving look.

What did I do?

"What's wrong with you? Leave me alone," she continues walking, "ugh this heat is annoying."

I take her bag and carried it without her consent, "Hey what do you think you're doing!" she yells, trying to take her bag back but I started running, "Catch me if you can" I laugh at her. She chases after me with the most slowest pace I have ever imagined and after a couple seconds she stops and take deep breath with a couple of cough in between as if she had run a marathon without stopping.

"It hurts." She grips her chest and gasp for air. She then got on her knees and breathed harder and louder than before! The first thing that crossed my mind was to bring her home and have my people treat her but that would put her in danger so I call the 911.

Once she was placed at the hospital and calmed down, I look down at her. "Sir, she can't have any visitors yet. Please come back after four days." The nurse told me. I nodded my head and left the room with half guilt swimming inside me, "Excuse me are Vanessa's guardian?" A doctor came up to me.

It was the moment where all the guilt swam to me that I just wanted to run away and not feel such unnecessary emotions so I hurriedly said "no" without even a single sign of hesitation.

Before leaving the hospital, I took care of the bills and insurance and left. "I won't be seeing you anymore." I whisper to myself.


Remember when I said only one extra chapter? Well I messed up! I was supposed to write a third person view but ended up writing in first person SO I decided that the PART TWO will be third person. Thank you for reading this far!


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