01 ; first meeting ♡

374 16 4

"READY! 1 2 3!"

Gray stepped on the gas and drove as fast as he could. Him and his buddies were in a abandoned dessert near Magnolia. Natsu , his best friend , bet him to have a race with him.

Natsu was quite the competition alright. Gray's girlfriend , Angel , was near by cheering for him. She was extremely beautiful silver , almost white hair , blue eyes and a voluptuous body. They were both the most popular couple of the school.

Gray was the bad boy of Magnolia High. Always getting in trouble , getting suspended , failing classes but he didn't care. All he cared about was reputation and popularity.

As Gray was making a turn he wasn't watching where he was going. "GRAY WATCH OUT!!" His girlfriend yelled. But before he knew it he was already in contact with three trash cans. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for something to happen.

"Baby , are you okay?!" Angel asked concerned. He grinned. "Yeah , I'm okay." He got out of the car , which had one of the headlights missing , and looked at it. Gray scowled. "Dammit , my folks are gonna be pissed!" He said as he kicked a near by rock. Angel ran her hand up and down his back. "It'll be okay , just tell them it was an accident." She said. "Ah ... who cares let's just go home." He said waving Natsu and his friends off.

Gray got in his car and Angel followed him. He turned on his car and drove away to drop off Angel.


The Next Day

Well Gray was right he did get in trouble with his parents about his car. They said he had to find a job to fix the damages. Gray couldn't believe what they were saying. He had never gotten a job. In his whole life. Despite the fact he was 18 years old already and is in his senior year.

Gray walked down the school halls towards his locker. He opened the locker and threw his books inside , not caring what happened to them. He walked to the court yard were his friends were waiting for him.

"What's up Gray!" His friend Loke said. "Nothin' much." Gray said while Turing to give his girlfriend a kiss. "Morning babe." "Morning." He responded. "So have you guys studied for the state test?" Natsu said. Gray scoffed and shook his head. "Gray , you need to pass this test in order to graduate." Natsu said firmly , looking at him with a serious look.

"Like I give a crap , I can live in my parents basement for all I care." He said as if he were done with the conversation. Angel gave Gray a worried expression , while Natsu rolled his eyes.

Natsu started laughing , which completely took Gray by surprise. "H-Hey guys , look at that chick." They followed Natsu's finger which was pointing a a girl. Gray's brows furrowed.

Angel started laughing as well. "That's probably one of those dresses I wore in fourth grade." She said laughing so hard making her eyes water with tears. Gray looked at her and started laughing as well. The girl had on a really old dress with flower designs and a green jacket. Her azure hair was in a pony tail , she had thick black glasses which made her blue eyes look double the size.

The girl walked by them and Angel decided to speak up. "Hey , nice dress!" She said trying to contain her laughter. The azure haired girl knew they were making fun of her. She put on a big smile and said. "Thank You." Then she walked away. As she walked away she heard Gray and his friends laughing. But she could care less.


- hey! My loves! ♡ First official chapter! Hooray! Like I said in before this won't be exactly like the movie , that's why I said it's inspired by 'A Walk to Remember' Thank You for reading. ♡

A Walk to Remember ♡ ; Gruvia Au Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin