02 ; tutor ♡

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" So what are you gonna suspend me?" Gray asked with a smirk on his face. He was currently sitting in the principal's  office because he had gotten in a fight. The principle sighed. "No I will not suspend you this time."

Gray was confused. How the hell was he not getting suspended? "Listen , your grades are in grave danger." The principal explained. "Graduation is in two months , so I'm gonna get you a tutor." He finished. Gray groaned.

The principal was right. His grades were so bad he almost thought about dropping out. But his parents said that wasn't a choice. Might as well just accept it.

"Fine , but were am I gonna get a tutor?" He asked. The principal smiled. "You are going to get tutored by the smartest girl in the 12th grade." Gray just stared at him blankly. "Her name is Juvia Lockser , she has a 4.0 GPA and has straight A's." Great. A nerd. Gray thought.

"I've already told her about this matter and she will be waiting for you in the library after school." Then the principal placed a picture on the table. "This is what she looks like so , keep an eye out." Gray's eyes widened. It's her.

The girl him and his friends made fun of in the morning. It was a picture of her in the yearbook. Juvia Lockser. Drama Club. Mathematics Club. Grade : 12. Yup. Total nerd. She looked the same. Ponytail. Big , round glasses.

"So how long does she have to tutor me?" Gray asked. "One Month." The principal replied. Gray sighed. "Alright , thanks for the talk sir." Gray grabbed his bag and walked out of his office , heading to 5th period.


After school

Gray texted his girlfriend to meet him by his locker to talk about his tutor. She came from around the corner and kissed his cheek. "Hey , what's up?" Angel asked. He sighed. "So I can't walk home with you today , cause I have to meet up with my new tutor right now at the library." He explained. She frowned and then immediately looked at him with a suspicious expression. "It's not a girl is it?" She asked.

Gray smiled. "Yes , she's a girl but don't worry she's not good looking trust me." He said. "As a matter of fact she's the girl we made fun of in the morning." Angel then started laughing. Gray then started laughing along with her. "Okay , if it's her then I don't mind." She said.

She gave him a goodbye kiss and headed home. Gray lazily walked towards the library not really caring. He honestly didn't care about his grades , but he needed to pass in order to graduate with all his friends. He didn't care about education. He pushed the door of the library open and started looking for Juvia.

He looked around until he saw a mop of azure hair sitting by the window. Gray walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at him through her big glasses. "Are you Gray Fullbuster?" She asked pushing the rim of her glasses up her nose. Gray showed no emotion in his face. "Yeah , so can we get started?" He asked a little annoyed.

She nodded. In her head she really had no motivation to tutor this kid. He was rude to her , is a jerk to everyone , and he's got a bad reputation. But she had to do it for her school.

'You can for this Juvia , it's only for a month.' She thought.


- hey! So chapter two! Yay! So this chapter was just how Gray and Juvia's relationship will develop. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Thank you for reading! ♡

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