Why do I have to put down a title?

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'Lil bit of cursing, but have fun. I think this one could be in a midevil time period, but I thought of aliens when I wrote this. Strange, eh? Well, whatever. Good luck!

She fucked up. Her wrists were tied behind her back and a blindfold blocked her vision and there she was, sitting like someone waiting to be executed on her knees. She had no idea where she was, but she heard voices around her, like a courtroom. So, she did the thing anyone would do. What, you ask? Oh, did she cry, did she bargain for her life? Hell no. She escaped.

She worked at the ties on her hands slowly, methodically until they had slipped down enough to work for her. And then all hell broke loose.

She shoved her hands under her legs and kicked out on the tie, snapping it. She then shoved the blindfold off her face, flinging it onto the people. She got her legs under her and twisted her hips, swinging her arms wide to clear a bubble around her and knock back any attackers. She spun around the room, only glancing at the people, and located the door. Sprinting for it, she shoved it open and dashed down the hall. It was ridiculously long and her legs burned after a minute, but she saw a door at the end. She burst through it, the sunlight blinding her for a moment, and faltered. Then, hearing commotion behind her, she took off again into the city streets.

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