Chapter 9: Horrid Memories

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----------Kyungsoo’s POV--------

My eyes round in horror as I see a figure on the parquet… Its blood is flowing… I let go of the knife I am holding and touched the cadaver of my mom.


“Mom….. Are you okay…?” I asked.. Completely confused and perplexed as to why this is happening. She simply smiled at me and touched my face with her last bits of strength.


“Don’t worry son……… this is not….. your fault……” She says. I touch the hand on my face and tears suddenly started to course out.


“Mom….. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to……” I said with my cracked voice.


“Hush my son……..” she placed her index finger on my lips and smiled. “I love you…. Kyungsoo….” And those were her last words. Her eyes slowly closed themselves and the hand that used to be warm is now cold.

“Mom..?” I asked, trying to check if she will answer me like she used to. But no, she didn’t reply… Not even a smile…

“Mom..?” I ask once more. Yet, she didn’t reply again. All I can see is her lifeless cadaver laying on the floor with blood flowing.


Tears flow out of my eyes as I remember the memory I wish to perish.

Yes… I killed my mom.

I killed her.

I killed her unknowingly.

I want to forget all of the memories that include her. But, no matter how hard I do it, no matter what I do, her fragment still remains within me.

Mom…. I wish you are here to wipe away these tears and envelop me with your warm embrace to warm me up from this freezing world.

I was startled when two arms wrap my body tight. I looked at the person who hugged me from behind.

“Mom….?” I blurted. Is this reality? ..Or just a cliché dream? Is it my mom that’s hugging me right now?

“No… Kyungsoo.. It’s me. Min Hyo.” She said calmly while hugging me tight. I quickly wiped the tears flowing from my eyes and pushed her away.

“Aish. What are you doing here, Min?” I asked.

“Are you okay?”

“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?” I cheerfully said with my cracked voice. She pulled me towards her and hugged me again.

“It was useless asking you. Don’t lie. I saw everything.” She said while staring at my eyes sincerely.

“What are you talking about Min?” I tried to get out of her grip but she hugged me harder. You might think her hug blights but no, I feel warm because of her hug.

“Don’t lie, didn’t I tell you? You were crying awhile ago. You looked like you remembered something from the past.”

“Past…? No.. I don’t know what you are talking about Min.” I replied trying to act innocent and coat my crime. I am trying to hold back the tears that want to course out of my eyes again.

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