A+ Student

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"Mr. Cassidy, can I talk to you for a moment?" Henry sighed and clutched the strap to his book bag tighter and walked up to his teacher's desk. Mr. Jones was his favorite teacher in the grade. To make things even better, he taught Henry's favorite class. Science. "Henry, we have talked about this. Your grades haven't been improving. I've given you plenty of time to improve your grade, but it just hasn't happened. I have no choice but to call your mother." Mr. Jones said.

"No, don't. She's been going through so much. I can't have her worrying about me."

"I'm sorry." Killian ripped off a sticky note and handed it to the young boy. "Give this to her. You aren't in any trouble, Henry. I just need some answers." The teacher gave the boy a small smile before watching him leave the classroom.


"I'm home, Mom!" Henry called out. He crushed the note in his hand in his pocket.

"Hey, Henry! I made you some apple slices." Emma said from the kitchen. Henry came in and handed her the note. "What's this?"

"It's from my teacher. He wants you to call him."

"Henry." Emma sighed as she looked at the note. "Why aren't you doing your work?"

Henry shrugged. "I have been. It's just my grades. Mr. Jones can tell you more." That was all he said before he ran up to his room, taking his apple slices with him.

Emma sighed again and looked down at the note in her hand. In fancy cursive writing was 'Mr. Killian Jones, Science teacher. Give me a call.' Along with a phone number. Emma grabbed her cell phone and sat at the dining room table then punched in his phone number, hoping that he wasn't busy so they could talk. She had never met this Mr. Jones before. Before her and Neal had divorced, they went to Henry's open house. The teacher that they were supposed to meet was Mr. Jones, but a substitute had been in instead. But, there were high remarks from the other teachers though. He was a good teacher. Not too mean or strict... To the students who did their work. For the misbehaving kids though, it was an entirely different story. She waited patiently for the man to answer the phone.

"Mr. Jones speaking. Who is this?"

'Woah. He had an accent.'  Emma thought. "This is Emma Swan. Henry Cassidy's mother. You sent a note home with him today." She quickly explained.

"Aye, I'm glad we could talk. His grades in my class aren't the best. I have given him four weeks to try to improve and I wouldn't call you, but they haven't. I told him that I would be calling you."

Emma sighed and ran her hand over her face. "We've been having some... Family issues here and I can only assume that that is why his grades are how they are."

"Issues? Such as what, Ms. Swan. If you don't mind my asking of course."

"No, no, I just left my husband. We are in the process of going through a divorce at the moment and I think that is what is causing his problem. I'll have to have a talk with him."

"I'm sorry, love."

"Thanks." She leaned back in the chair. "I have a hard time with him alone and balancing work too. But I didn't call to explain my problems. I called to talk about Henry. What do you suggest we do about his grades?"

A+ StudentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz