The Clash

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***Aryan's office***
Aryan kept down the file.Every word in it seemed to be alien words & everything seemed to go right through his head.He looked disturbed.His mind was continuously drifting back into the dream & this time he felt some negative vibes about it.
'Why couldn't I keep holding Aradhya?Why did she run away from me?Is she somehow distancing herself away from me?' Thousands of questions bubbled around his head.
'STOP!' he screamed to his mind 'Stop thinking like this!Of course you couldn't because Aradhya woke you up!Is this something to think about even?It was just a dream.'
But still he was not completely satisfied.Maybe also because Aradhya was behaving a little weird this morning.
'She was never like that' Aryan thought 'She always shared all her worries,sorrows,happiness & everything.She would never hesitate to do it;no matter what,if it's wrong or right,she never stood back.But now!What's wrong!She is trying to keep it all into herself & pretending nothing happened.But she should have thought that I would sense it right away,but the problem is I am not getting why she is worried' he exhaled a long breath.

***Dining Hall***
A numb Aradhya sat in the dining table with a yellow coloured envelope in front of her in the table,too scared to open because this could take away all her hopes & ruined her life forever.No name,no address of the sender,just Aryan's name & address messily written at a corner of the envelope.She must have attempted thousands times to pick up the letter,but failed everytime.
Slowly,after a long time,& with great effort she raised her shaking hands to pick it up.Streams of tears suddenly started to fall from her eyes as she opened it,already knowing what to expect inside.

Sweetheart Arian,
I m vry disappointed on ya,I expected so much in reply to the last letter but I didn't get a single reply evn.So I decided to write agn bcuz I m assuming that ya didn't get the letter.I can't wait to meet ya!2 yrs it is since we have met!How can I forget those mesmerizing eyes & glossy lips at the hotel bar in Los Angeles that night?Ya r a real Prince I must mention.Yer attititude,luks,personality is so much graceful!Yer r the perfect Prince of any gal's dream & I m just too much lucky to meet this person.Yer touch have magic that can lure any gal.I feel I could still feel yer touch in the hotel's room.Plz plz meet me fast I m just unable to hold myself anymore to meet ya.
Lots of love:-*

A paled Aradhya raised her head from the letter & suddenly felt very weak.She felt like she has lost her ability to move.But something seemed to rise inside her & she straightened herself all of a sudden.She went straight to the washroom,took a long shower,cleared all the mess & tried to behave normal.She made lunch & was about to set the dining table,when she heard the doorbell.It took her a spilt second to register who might be in the door but the next moment she went ahead & opened the door,avoiding any eye contact with the person.
But she felt some force stopping her from stepping ahead.
'Avoiding huh' Aryan exclaimed holding her hand 'Your zero iq might be dumb but at least not so ugly to be ignored like this.
Aradhya felt like her insides are breaking into pieces & all the emotions came rushing back again.She felt like someone has just pierced her heart,which didn't gave any wound but such an unbearable pain that even mountains would be destroyed.
But she didn't let any of this affect her facial expression instead she just jerked away Aryan's hand & walked away.
'What's wrong with you?Why you are behaving like this?I noticed since morning that you are hiding something from me.So madam can you please kindly tell me what happened' Aryan said in a raising tone as he seemed to lose his patience.
'Nothing' Aradhya replied immediately pretending to set the dining table & trying hard not to make eye contact.
'Nothing!What do you mean by nothing?' Aryan exclaimed proceeding towards Aradhya.
'Listen' He made Aradhya face him & seemed real angry 'This is not your house only that you will do as you wish;you have to listen to me also.I am your husband damn it!'
'Fine!If this is your house then I better not stay here anymore,I m going!' Aradhya screamed back.
She stormed out of the dining hall & into the bedroom,preparing to pack bags.
Aryan came running & stopped her.
'Alright if you want to go you can,but firstly you have to answer all my questions or else I won't let step you out of this until I am satisfied to know why I am receiving such behavour' Aryan answered firmly but he was burning with anger as he faced Aradhya.
'Fine!I will now prove that you deserve worse then this!' Aradhya screamed back.
She folded her hands & prepared herself to ask a puzzled Aryan.
'Did you meet a girl in Los Angeles 2 years back?'
'Girl!' Aryan stared at Aradhya with disbelievement.
'Don't pretend,just answer:yes or no'
'Of course not!How can you even think like this?You know me so well but still...' Aryan sounded hurt.
'Don't lie!' Aradhya said firmly 'Because I know you did & how many girls have you meet that you couldn't remember even!That girl in the hotel's bar in Los Angeles & you two were together in the hotel room even'.
'What are you saying?' Aryan felt like this is not his Aradhya 'I didn't meet any girl' he defended himself.
'I knew it' Aradhya answered confidently 'I knew that you will lie.'
'I got my answer.You are refusing which clearly shows that you did meet a girl.You got your answer right,now I m going.'
Aradhya walked out of the room leaving a stunning Aryan.

Trust-A Fanfic about Aryan & Aradhya from KrishnadasiWhere stories live. Discover now