I'm yours forever

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'ARADHYA WAIT' Aryan screamed marching towards Aradhya.
But Aradhya didn't seem to pay any heed to him.
He blocked her way & tried to explain 'Please don't go,please' Aryan pleaded 'atleast give me a chance to explain myself.I swear I didn't meet any girl,there has to be some misunderstanding!'
'& why will I believe you,just give me one good reason,Mr Aryan' she was too adament.
'Please try to understand,why are you even thinking like this?It was such a long time ago,I don't even remember the people I met;I was just on a business purpose that's it' He sounded broke.
'Yeah I should have understood,maybe you met too many girls before me that you don't remember even.I am feeling so much ashamed Aryan to love such a cheap man like you-you have teared my soul apart;nobody had hurt me like this ever,I will never forgive you' Aradhya broke down suddenly crying like a helpless child.
'Why are you talking like this even' Aryan seemed to be crying too 'You are my everything!Everything Aradhya!I can't live without you & I have done nothing wrong in life to not to deserve you.Please trust me,please' Aryan confessed folding his hands to beg & suddenly knelt down before Aradhya.
'Please now stop blackmailing me emotionally because I am not going to stay here anymore' She passed him & started to walk towards the door.
But he got hold of her hand & stopped her again.
'Okay,then atleast tell me what exactly have made you think all this' Aryan found it very difficult to talk,his insides seemed to be burning like fire as he stood up 'After such a long time,why this issue is before us?Because as far as I know,I never told you about my U.S. trip.Then how did you came to know about this all of a sudden!' Aryan seemed to be a bit surprised as the fact hit his head.
'Right!I fully agree with you & I believe you have the right to know everything' Aradhya seemed to have gained control on herself.
She went to the bedroom,opened the almirah & took out the yellow envelope kept down into a stack of clothes at a corner.
'I hope this will clear all your confusions,now can I have your permission to step out Mr. Aryan?' She seemed to lose her interests to stay back anymore as she handed the letter to Aryan.
'No!Wait!Please atleast let me clear the confusions first' He looked at Aradhya with pleading eyes 'Atleast let me read the letter first.'
Though she was pretending to be strong,Her insides had already broken into pieces & she couldn't ignore those innocent eyes.So perfect yet so innocent.
'Alright' Aradhya agreed 'But if I am not satisfied with your explanations I won't stay here a moment even.'
A confused Aryan slowly opened the letter looking away from Aradhya.
It took a few minutes to Aryan to absorb the words written in the letter.He felt like someone has just slapped him hardly & he's just too shocked to react.
'So I assume you have finally recognised the girl' Aradhya replied making a shocked Aryan came back to his senses.
'This letter.....' Aryan seemed to lose his words.
'Yes this letter!I am now feeling glad that I got this,otherwise I would never known that you are such a cheapo' Aradhya felt angry 'I got another letter like this yesterday also & I burned it thinking that it might be fake but when I got another one my doubt just turned into belief.I trusted you but you broke it & now I don't think I can't trust anyone else ever again!'
'Nooo wa...wait' Aryan mumbled 'I..I can explain but you have to listen please!I swear I won't stop you after that;just some more time to explain myself'.
'No,I am not stopping here anymore to listen to your utter nonsense.Enough is enough!' Aradhya said in a raising voice.
'Please Aradhya!If you have ever loved me,then please give me one last chance to explain.' Aryan was pleading again.
She tried so hard to argue more & walk away without listening but she just couldn't.Deep down inside her mind she also wanted to believe that Aryan is innocent.But still...
'Okay' Aradhya answered shortly surprising her own self.

(2 years back in Los Angeles)
Aryan stood at a corner of the hotel's bar.He seemed to be uncomfortable to be standing there.Maybe because he had never been to a bar or that he was the only who was not drinking & the loud music just added to his irritation.He was looking at his watch frequently,waiting impatiently for his clients to arrive.
'Damn!Why bar?So many places in the hotel still they chose the bar' Aryan thought.
People around him seemed to be enjoying very much,laughing & dancing & a couple at a corner seemed to have a fight.The girl was crying but the boy seemed unaffected by this.
'Are ya an Indian?' Someone asked Aryan.
A surprised Aryan turned to see a waitress in front of him.He shook his head 'Yeah.'
'Wow ya are so handsome!I m impressed' the waitress answered.
'Hi I m Sue & I work here & ya are?' She questioned raising her hand towards Aryan.
Aryan was a bit uncomfortable at first because he didn't expect someone like this.Not a waitress atleast!
Still he shook hands because he didn't want to look like a stupid 'Aryan.'
'Ya staying in this hotel' she seemed to be enjoying his company.
'Yeah' he was answering shortly trying his best to avoid her but she seemed in no hurry to leave him.
'So why are ya here?'
Aryan was losing his patience then 'Look,Miss Sue,I have to meet some clients so....'
'Oh okay no problem I will meet ya later then,bye.Any problem or anything ya need,just call me,I can arrange everything for ya & this is my number' she gave him a piece of paper with a number.
'Listen!I am not interested to take your number nor need your help!I can handle myself,okay!' Aryan was angry.
'Calm down,you don't have to react so much.I am going okay' she walked away but again turned her head to wink.
Aryan was relieved at her exit.
***2 hours later***
Aryan looked happy as he stepped out of the bar.He didn't expect the meeting to go so well already forgetting about that waitress.
But surprise awaited him as he entered his room.
That Sue was right in front of his eyes waiting for him inside his room!
'Hello Arian,ya took so long!I have been waiting here since 2 hours' she walked towards him & touched his hands 'Ya know what?I have already fallen for ya madly,ya are so hot & handsome that I couldn't resist the urge to stay away from you' she said in a seducing voice.
Aryan jerked away immediately.
'I am warning you,stay away from me or else I will complain about you to the hotel's manager.'
'Do whatever ya want but I think I just can't stay without ya' she answered coming closer 'I need ya.'
'Who the hell do you think you are?I am not interested at all not atleast on a waitress like you' he said angrily.
He immediately stormed out of the room,went straight to the hotel's manager & complained about the waitress.
He didn't even dared to enter the room again so ordered some other staff to bring his stuffs downstairs & then he left the hotel immediately & took the flight the very next day.

He looked up at Aradhya as he finished & saw tears in her eyes.
'I am sorry!' Aradhya wishpered 'I am very sorry' she was starting to cry then 'I misunderstood you' suddenly she hugged him 'I was scared that I have lost you forever!I can't even think like this but these letters....' she murmured 'These letters just forced me to think like this' she was crying inconsolably.
'Your zero iq might be dumb but not cheater' Aryan laughed hugging her back.
'I know zero iq that's why I love you so much.'
'Listen' he broke the hug & took her face into his hands 'l was,am & will always be yours' Aryan confessed '& yeah I love you too 2 foot ki dinosaur.'
'I know zero iq' Aradhya hugged him again laughing.

Trust-A Fanfic about Aryan & Aradhya from KrishnadasiWhere stories live. Discover now