You Should Stop

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Miley POV

I woke up to my phone going off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Then I noticed I wasn't in my room and someone else was in the bed. I messed up this time. I turned to see who it was and they started to move.

Miley: KEVIN!!!

Kevin: Why you yelling ma???

Miley: Did we...(gco)

Kevin: Noooooooooo

Miley: Good, but how did I get here.

Kevin: I was driving on the other side of town and I saw you walking in the rain. I got out and you fainted. I drove you to my house and laid you in the bed.

Miley: Is that all you saw?

Kevin: Yea why? Is there more?

I lied to see if she would tell me.

Miley: Nothing. I need to go. Thanks.

Kevin: Wait.

Miley: What?

Kevin: I think you should stop.

He looked down.

Miley: What are you talking about?

Kevin: No need to act.

Miley: No you brought it up. Say what's on your mind.

Kevin: Why are you in TFO?

Miley: Why do you care?

Kevin: Its a bad gang full of bad people. Your not like that.

Miley: Kid... You've only known me for like 2 days. You don't know me.

Kevin: Its not what I know, its what I see. You have to stop.

Miley: And if I don't?

He stands there and says nothing.

Miley: Exactly

I ran out of his house, to mine. It was only a mile run.

Jada POV -Facetiming Serenity and Abby

Jada: She didn't come home last night. I'm so worried, I don't know what to do? Should I tell my parents??

Abby: Calm down

Serenity: Maybe she...go

Jada: Hang on...

I walked to her room and there she was. I ran up to her and hugged her so tight. But there was a smell on her that I didn't know what it was. All I know is it hurts my throat since I have asthma.


Miley: I'm fine. That's all that needs to be said. I need a shower.

She pushed me out of her room and locked the door. The face time was still on, and they heard everything.

Serenity: What was that about.

Jada: I don't know, but I think I'm going to take my own car to school.

Abby: Well swing by and pick us up, lets go eat before school.

Jada: I'm leaving now.

Miley POV

I got in the shower and even washed my hair to try to get the smell of weed off of me. I got out thinking about the day. Like why Kevin was so worried? How long am I supposed to keep this secret from Jada if I'm always coming home late?

 Like why Kevin was so worried? How long am I supposed to keep this secret from Jada if I'm always coming home late?

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I got dressed and did my makeup. I got in the car and drove to school.

Jada POV~lunch~

Kevin walked up to me and asked about Miley. I had many questions flooding through my mind. Is he really talking to me? Does he like her? What does he want to know about Miley?

Kevin: Have you seen Miley

Jada: Yes, but something is wrong, but she won't tell me. Do you know something?

Something is telling me he knows what is wrong but he didn't tell me.

Kevin: No

Instead he looked down.

Kevin: I gotta go, but let me know if she is OK.

Jada: No problem Kevin.

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