Wont Get Away With This

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???: Bet you were wondering who I was. You might have guessed her mom, her step dad, maybe even Jada or Ashley. But I'm her uncle B.J. I was in jail thanks to my brother Charles. He framed me and I went to jail for 15 years. I got out a year ago and planned to get back at Charles... So I payed three henchmen to have him killed for me. I told them to make sure he was dead and before he was 6 feet under, I made sure they put 6 bullets in him. I took over TFO and basically told everybody i was the new leader and whoever didn't like it was killed. I made them call me J and came up with this master plan to get Miley. Miley is 17 and doesn't even know I exist... but she will... I will be the last thing she sees before she is dead like her dad. She called me saying she was "sick". But i knew that wasn't true. I had body guards find her for me... and well... time to go do my dirty work. I put my mask on and went to the room Miley was held in.

Miley POV


My body is really sore and my face hurts. I barely even remember what happened. I remember being with Kevin and...

Water was thrown in my face.

Miley: J???

J: Miley. Miley. Miley. So we are lying now. Cute outfit. 

Miley: What are you doing?

J: Miley... i had you fooled on who i was, my intentions, and its time that you know the truth... I am your Uncle BJ.

Miley: uncle??? i dont have an uncle

BJ: You're right... you don't. Your father, my own flesh amd blood brother feared jail. And set me up as a distraction so he wouldn't get caught. I spent 16 years of my life locked up because of him. And the worst part of it was he took my lady. Your mother. She was mine... I even found out he had a child by her. I had all this time to plan my revenge... I killed your father.

My heart dropped. Too many emotions began to take over. SADNESS. anger. REVENGE. All I could feel was my body getting hot and bloody tears running down my face. Body guards still holding me tight, all i could do is scream.

Miley: I am going to kill you.

BJ: That's the thing miley. You wont have the chance. You are going to die Miley. But first I am thinking of all the ways I am going to torture you. You are going to wish you were dead before I am done with you. You can thank your daddy for this...

I spit in his face. And he punched me... he kept hitting me and didn't stop. I couldn't see. Everything was such a blur. I felt his hand around my neck, his grip got tighter and tighter... I started to fade out...

Miley: You wont get away with this.

BJ: Tbh Miley... I already  have.

One more blow to my head and I was out. 


BJ: Take her away. I gotta go back to the main house to handle the kids. Lock her away and keep watch. I can't afford to have her disappear. 

Bodyguard 1: But what about the boy?

BJ: What boy???

Bodyguard 1: The one she was with that we knocked out. 

BJ: You didn't kill him...?

Bodyguard 1: Umm... no

BJ: That very disappointing..


BJ: Clean this fucking blood up. And find that boy. You guys got to be some of the dumbest people hired. Having all these loose ends. TIE EM.. Before all yall be like man on the ground with the bullet in his head. 

Hey guys been some years... welp I updated and bc its the summer I think I am back. I will create a system to update because I feel like I owe it to you guys to finish the book. This was off the dome of what i kinda remember how i wanted to go with the story, but i promise the next chapter will be way better. See ya soon. Vote and share with others. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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